A. 15 min Hang Squat Snatch tech work
B. 150sec FLR hold; every break do 20sec wall sit
4 rounds
10 plate burpees
10 T2B
10 OH lunges w25# plate
100m run
A. Only got 95#. This was pretty frustrating. :(
B. 1:45, :45
This was a fun one. My time would have been faster if I hadn't dropped my plate on my foot and kicked the J hook all in the same round. Kept my plate burpees moving. Had to break up T2B more than I'd like. Lunges were unbroken. Runs were a little slow. Cold SUCKS.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Oct 28, 2012 - Biloxi Blues
Team Competition - Overall 6th Place
Event #1 - Run N Tri Battle Rush - 8th place
1850m row
run 800m w/ 2 walls
run 800m w/ sandbag w/ 2 walls
Considering I haven't been running much I was pleased with our times. Final time was an average of the 2 times. I came in at 20:something and Grayson came in at 22:something. We flew through the row and were second off the rowers, but my legs suffered for rowing too hard. The first half of the first run was slow due to the cold and the tightness from rowing. Several people passed me, but the second half my legs loosened up and I was able to catch a few of the people that had passed. Second loop I had to pick up a 20# sandbag. It was a small bag. Too small to drape over my neck. I was constantly readjusting. Despite my legs dying, I didn't stop and didn't let anyone catch me. This was by far the toughest event for me.
Event #2 - HalloWOD
3 parts
3 min to find 1RM clean and jerk - 2nd place
2x400m run - 7th place
Burpee broad jump - 9th place
Part 1 - 160#
We could only lift 1 at a time, so 3 min wasn't much time at all. I started at 155# and got that pretty easily. I moved up to 165#. I got the clean, but failed on the jerk. I was able to keep it racked and tried again, but no go. I failed on the next clean attempt. I bumped down to 160# and got that pretty easily.
Part 2 - 2:21
I got caught off guard on this event. I had my back to the starting line, talking to my judge when they said go. I turned and was like "oh crap" and took off, but everyone had a big jump on me. Grayson really pulled through on his leg.
Part 3 - 3:10
This was actually pretty fun. Started off a little slow, but caught our stride on the 50m stretch back. Once we did we passed a few teams.
Event #3 - Pistol Grip - 13th place
8min AMRAP
Buy-in 40 pistols or 150 air squats
run 100m w/plate
5 power cleans 75#
10 HR pushups
5 rounds
This event really hurt us. I wasn't comfortable enough with my pistols to try them and Grayson's legs were too tired. We went with the air squats. All the teams that did pistols had a HUGE advantage. I think we did great, but we just didn't have a shot to catch the pistol teams.
Event #4 - Hunger Games - 2nd place
Run and get 1 piece of gear at a time
barbell, 2x45# plate, 25# plate, 10# plate, 40# sandbag, 35# KB
shoulder to overhead 65#/kb 35#/jump over plate W/sandbag 20#
run equipment back to other end of field
This one was really fun. We had our strategy down pat. I did 20 Sh2OH unbroken, Grayson did 20 kb, we split the plate jumps. We split the next shoulder to OH and kb into 15/15 and the plate jumps into 10/20.
Considering all the running and the cold I was very proud of how we did. Taking 2nd place in the Clean and Jerk really boosted out spirits. Minus a few hiccups and the workouts constantly being changed it was a really fun event.
Event #1 - Run N Tri Battle Rush - 8th place
1850m row
run 800m w/ 2 walls
run 800m w/ sandbag w/ 2 walls
Considering I haven't been running much I was pleased with our times. Final time was an average of the 2 times. I came in at 20:something and Grayson came in at 22:something. We flew through the row and were second off the rowers, but my legs suffered for rowing too hard. The first half of the first run was slow due to the cold and the tightness from rowing. Several people passed me, but the second half my legs loosened up and I was able to catch a few of the people that had passed. Second loop I had to pick up a 20# sandbag. It was a small bag. Too small to drape over my neck. I was constantly readjusting. Despite my legs dying, I didn't stop and didn't let anyone catch me. This was by far the toughest event for me.
Event #2 - HalloWOD
3 parts
3 min to find 1RM clean and jerk - 2nd place
2x400m run - 7th place
Burpee broad jump - 9th place
Part 1 - 160#
We could only lift 1 at a time, so 3 min wasn't much time at all. I started at 155# and got that pretty easily. I moved up to 165#. I got the clean, but failed on the jerk. I was able to keep it racked and tried again, but no go. I failed on the next clean attempt. I bumped down to 160# and got that pretty easily.
Part 2 - 2:21
I got caught off guard on this event. I had my back to the starting line, talking to my judge when they said go. I turned and was like "oh crap" and took off, but everyone had a big jump on me. Grayson really pulled through on his leg.
Part 3 - 3:10
This was actually pretty fun. Started off a little slow, but caught our stride on the 50m stretch back. Once we did we passed a few teams.
Event #3 - Pistol Grip - 13th place
8min AMRAP
Buy-in 40 pistols or 150 air squats
run 100m w/plate
5 power cleans 75#
10 HR pushups
5 rounds
This event really hurt us. I wasn't comfortable enough with my pistols to try them and Grayson's legs were too tired. We went with the air squats. All the teams that did pistols had a HUGE advantage. I think we did great, but we just didn't have a shot to catch the pistol teams.
Event #4 - Hunger Games - 2nd place
Run and get 1 piece of gear at a time
barbell, 2x45# plate, 25# plate, 10# plate, 40# sandbag, 35# KB
shoulder to overhead 65#/kb 35#/jump over plate W/sandbag 20#
run equipment back to other end of field
This one was really fun. We had our strategy down pat. I did 20 Sh2OH unbroken, Grayson did 20 kb, we split the plate jumps. We split the next shoulder to OH and kb into 15/15 and the plate jumps into 10/20.
Considering all the running and the cold I was very proud of how we did. Taking 2nd place in the Clean and Jerk really boosted out spirits. Minus a few hiccups and the workouts constantly being changed it was a really fun event.
Oct. 26, 2012, Friday
10 min row
Power clean/Split Jerk @70% 3x3
10 min row
115# went fine
Power clean/Split Jerk @70% 3x3
10 min row
115# went fine
Friday, October 26, 2012
Oct 25, 2012, Thursday
15 min pistol practice
2 rounds; rest 3min
run 200m w/ 20# sandbag
row 250m
100 DU
row 250m
run 200m w/ 20# sandbag
Actually got a few legit pistols! Was showed a good way to practice them.
This went fine. Actually got the first set of 100 DU unbroken. Second set wasn't as pretty.
2 rounds; rest 3min
run 200m w/ 20# sandbag
row 250m
100 DU
row 250m
run 200m w/ 20# sandbag
Actually got a few legit pistols! Was showed a good way to practice them.
This went fine. Actually got the first set of 100 DU unbroken. Second set wasn't as pretty.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Oct 24, 2012, Wednesday
A1. Pendlay Row 3x8 65#
A2. KB Tater 3x10 35#
5 Rounds
5 hang power snatch 75#
run 200m
First 3 sets of HSPU were on 55# plates to an ab mat, last 2 sets were hands on floor to ab mat. Snatches and run went ok.
A2. KB Tater 3x10 35#
5 Rounds
5 hang power snatch 75#
run 200m
First 3 sets of HSPU were on 55# plates to an ab mat, last 2 sets were hands on floor to ab mat. Snatches and run went ok.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Oct. 23, 2012, Tuesday
A. Power Clean + 2 Front Squats @ 125#; every 2 min for 12min
B. Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat @ 20X1; 3x 4/leg; rest 60sec b/t leg, rest 2min b/t sets
2 sets; rest 1:1
2 rounds
5 Power Cleans 65#
25m sled pull 45#
10 HR pushups
25m sled pull
A. went well, second rep was tough towards the end
B. 85, 95, 100# My left leg is so much weaker than my right
2:04, 2:37
This sucked. I was walking on the sled pulls up the hill
B. Barbell Bulgarian Split Squat @ 20X1; 3x 4/leg; rest 60sec b/t leg, rest 2min b/t sets
2 sets; rest 1:1
2 rounds
5 Power Cleans 65#
25m sled pull 45#
10 HR pushups
25m sled pull
A. went well, second rep was tough towards the end
B. 85, 95, 100# My left leg is so much weaker than my right
2:04, 2:37
This sucked. I was walking on the sled pulls up the hill
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Oct 22, 2012, Monday
EMOM for 12 min Clean + 2 Front Squats starting at 75#
4 min AMRAP
15 KB 35#
5 burpees
rest 2min
6 min AMRAP
run 50m
5 power cleans 95#
10 HR pushups
rest 2min
4 min AMRAP
4 KB snatches per arm
10 K2E
Got up to 135#, failed on 145#, continued at 135# for the remainder of the time (4 more sets)
5 rounds +5kb
4 rounds +5 pushups
4 rounds
4 min AMRAP
15 KB 35#
5 burpees
rest 2min
6 min AMRAP
run 50m
5 power cleans 95#
10 HR pushups
rest 2min
4 min AMRAP
4 KB snatches per arm
10 K2E
Got up to 135#, failed on 145#, continued at 135# for the remainder of the time (4 more sets)
5 rounds +5kb
4 rounds +5 pushups
4 rounds
Monday, October 22, 2012
Oct 21, 2012, Sunday
A. Every 30sec for 5:00
Power Snatch. Hang Sq Snatch @ 80% (90#)
B. Every 40sec for 6:00
Power Clean. Hang Sq Clean. Push Jerk @80% (120#)
3 rounds
10 KB Snatch + OH lung 35# (R arm/L leg)
10 KB Snatch + OH lung 35# (L arm/R leg)
15 burpee box jump overs
20 jumping air squats
Power Snatch. Hang Sq Snatch @ 80% (90#)
B. Every 40sec for 6:00
Power Clean. Hang Sq Clean. Push Jerk @80% (120#)
3 rounds
10 KB Snatch + OH lung 35# (R arm/L leg)
10 KB Snatch + OH lung 35# (L arm/R leg)
15 burpee box jump overs
20 jumping air squats
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Oct 20, 2012, Saturday
Team Workout
1 team tire flips 100m while other team does:
wall balls
ring dips
wall climbs
box jump overs
3 sets; rest 3min
sled pull 50m w/45#
5 power cleans 95#
10 HR pushups
5 Sh 2 OH 95#
10 burpees on 45# plate
15KB 35#
10 Sh 2 OH
20 burpees
30 kb
15 Sh 2 OH
30 burpees
45 kb
Time: 11:33 I was crawling. Nothing left in arms and burpees were way too slow. Broke shoulder to oh into 5s on all sets. Broke last kb into 25/10/10 which I shouldn't have done.
1 team tire flips 100m while other team does:
wall balls
ring dips
wall climbs
box jump overs
3 sets; rest 3min
sled pull 50m w/45#
5 power cleans 95#
10 HR pushups
5 Sh 2 OH 95#
10 burpees on 45# plate
15KB 35#
10 Sh 2 OH
20 burpees
30 kb
15 Sh 2 OH
30 burpees
45 kb
Time: 11:33 I was crawling. Nothing left in arms and burpees were way too slow. Broke shoulder to oh into 5s on all sets. Broke last kb into 25/10/10 which I shouldn't have done.
Oct. 19, 2012, Friday
A. Sq Clean + 2 front squat ladder, start at 75#
B. Sq Clean Thruster 75# 3x8 TnG; rest 3min
C. Russian step ups @ 2111, 3x8/leg, rest 90sec
A. 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125
At 135 I power cleaned it and squatted twice. 145 I power cleans and failed on the second squat. Had no energy
B. These went fine
C. These went fine
B. Sq Clean Thruster 75# 3x8 TnG; rest 3min
C. Russian step ups @ 2111, 3x8/leg, rest 90sec
A. 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125
At 135 I power cleaned it and squatted twice. 145 I power cleans and failed on the second squat. Had no energy
B. These went fine
C. These went fine
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Oct. 17, 2012, Wednesday
3 sets; rest 2min
AMRAP ring dips
75sec row
3 sets; rest 2min
13 pullups
35 box jumps 24"
3 sets not for time
10 toes to rings
sandbag run 200m
12, 10, 10, kept about a 1:55 pace on all the rows
box jumps were torture
went fine
AMRAP ring dips
75sec row
3 sets; rest 2min
13 pullups
35 box jumps 24"
3 sets not for time
10 toes to rings
sandbag run 200m
12, 10, 10, kept about a 1:55 pace on all the rows
box jumps were torture
went fine
Oct. 16, 2012, Tuesday
A. OH Med ball toss 10# EMOM x10
B. 3 Position halting deadlift.Hang squat Snatch.Snatch Balance 1.2.3x3 ; rest 2min
C. Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats @20X1; 3x 6/leg; rest 60sec b/t legs, rest 2min b/t sets
D. 125 walking lunges for time
A. done
B. 65, 75, 85, 95# Felt like I could keep going up in weight so I did an extra set.
C. 75, 80, 85# Ouch...
D. 2:20
B. 3 Position halting deadlift.Hang squat Snatch.Snatch Balance 1.2.3x3 ; rest 2min
C. Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats @20X1; 3x 6/leg; rest 60sec b/t legs, rest 2min b/t sets
D. 125 walking lunges for time
A. done
B. 65, 75, 85, 95# Felt like I could keep going up in weight so I did an extra set.
C. 75, 80, 85# Ouch...
D. 2:20
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Oct 13, 2012, Saturday
Team of 2
600m run
60 shoulder to OH 65#
100KB 35#
60 front rack lunges 65#
600m run
Time: 13:48
Clean and Jerk
65% (2+1)
70% (2+1) x2
75% (1+1) x2
80% (1+1)
85% (1+1)
90% (1+1)
Notes: 110, 120, 125, 135, 140, 150#
Front squat work
row sprints - 30sec all out x3; rest 2:30
10 min hand stand walks
row sprints - 30sec all out x3; rest 2:30
Notes: Kept all rows between 1:38-1:45
Team of 2
600m run
60 shoulder to OH 65#
100KB 35#
60 front rack lunges 65#
600m run
Time: 13:48
Clean and Jerk
65% (2+1)
70% (2+1) x2
75% (1+1) x2
80% (1+1)
85% (1+1)
90% (1+1)
Notes: 110, 120, 125, 135, 140, 150#
Front squat work
row sprints - 30sec all out x3; rest 2:30
10 min hand stand walks
row sprints - 30sec all out x3; rest 2:30
Notes: Kept all rows between 1:38-1:45
Friday, October 12, 2012
Oct. 12, 2012, Friday
A. High Box jump 1.1.1x3; rest 2min
B. Squat Snatch 1.1.1x3; rest 3min
C. Squat Clean Thruster TnG 3x10; rest 3min
D. Russian Step ups @2111; 3x8/leg; rest 90ec
A. 30"box all rounds
B. 90, 100, 105# Tried 110#, but psyched myself out and couldn't drop under it. Dropped down to 105 and got it pretty easily.
C. tough
D. went fine
B. Squat Snatch 1.1.1x3; rest 3min
C. Squat Clean Thruster TnG 3x10; rest 3min
D. Russian Step ups @2111; 3x8/leg; rest 90ec
A. 30"box all rounds
B. 90, 100, 105# Tried 110#, but psyched myself out and couldn't drop under it. Dropped down to 105 and got it pretty easily.
C. tough
D. went fine
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Oct 11, 2012, Thursday
3 rounds
400m run
21 kb 35#
12 PU
This is about 30 sec slower than my last time, but it was all due to the inclines on the runs. I got all kb and pull-ups unbroken. Despite the time being worse I feel like it is a big accomplishment to go unbroken.
3 rounds
400m run
21 kb 35#
12 PU
This is about 30 sec slower than my last time, but it was all due to the inclines on the runs. I got all kb and pull-ups unbroken. Despite the time being worse I feel like it is a big accomplishment to go unbroken.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Oct 10, 2012, Wednesday
3 sets; rest 2min
12 pullups
60 sec box jump/step down
3 sets; rest 2min
amrap ring dips
60sec high knee jump rope
3 sets straight through
10 T2B
50 ft bear crawl
pullups unbroken, 15 box jumps each time
12, 8, 7 dips
T2B unbroken
run 1 mile w/ 20# vest
12 pullups
60 sec box jump/step down
3 sets; rest 2min
amrap ring dips
60sec high knee jump rope
3 sets straight through
10 T2B
50 ft bear crawl
pullups unbroken, 15 box jumps each time
12, 8, 7 dips
T2B unbroken
run 1 mile w/ 20# vest
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Oct 9, 2012, Tuesday
A. High Hang Power Snatch from blocks.Snatch Balance 1.3x5; rest 2min
B. Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats 3x8/leg; rest 60sec b/t legs and 2min b/t sets
C. 100 walking lunges for time
warmup: run 1 mile
(I didn't have a 6-8# med ball)
A. 65, 65, 75, 75, 80
B. 65, 65, 65
C. 1:54
B. Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats 3x8/leg; rest 60sec b/t legs and 2min b/t sets
C. 100 walking lunges for time
warmup: run 1 mile
(I didn't have a 6-8# med ball)
A. 65, 65, 75, 75, 80
B. 65, 65, 65
C. 1:54
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Oct. 6, 2012, Saturday
8 min to find 1RM Power Snatch
8 min AMRAP of power Snatch @ 90% above weight
3 sets
max reps OHS @ 90% above
rest 4min between sets
75, 95, 105x2, 115# fail then got it, couldn't get 120#...all reps were ugly
26 @105#...so ugly
11, 13, 11 @ 105#
3 sets for time
30Cal Airdyne
30 burpees w/ 6" jump
8 min to find 1RM Power Snatch
8 min AMRAP of power Snatch @ 90% above weight
3 sets
max reps OHS @ 90% above
rest 4min between sets
75, 95, 105x2, 115# fail then got it, couldn't get 120#...all reps were ugly
26 @105#...so ugly
11, 13, 11 @ 105#
3 sets for time
30Cal Airdyne
30 burpees w/ 6" jump
Friday, October 5, 2012
Oct. 5, 2012, Friday
A. Press - build to 1RM
B. PU underhanded - build to 1RM weighted
C. PU 1x max reps
A. 45, 65, 75, 85, 95, 100, 105, failed on 110#
B. 5, 10, 15, 18, 20.5, 23, 26, 28.5, 31, 33.5, 35, 40#
C. 26
row 2000m @ Z1
B. PU underhanded - build to 1RM weighted
C. PU 1x max reps
A. 45, 65, 75, 85, 95, 100, 105, failed on 110#
B. 5, 10, 15, 18, 20.5, 23, 26, 28.5, 31, 33.5, 35, 40#
C. 26
row 2000m @ Z1
Oct. 4, 2012, Thursday
A. Squat Clean - build to 1RM
B. Front Squat - build to heavy single
C. Bulgarian Split Squat @30X0 - build to 8RM/leg
10min AMRAP
row 2000m
max DU in remaining time
Video starts at 125#. I stopped filming the fails after a while.
A. 55, 85, 105, 115, 125, 135, failed at 145 about 10 times
Got the clean easy every time but couldn't get out of the squat
B. 105, 125, 135, 140 stopped here
C. 10, 18, 26/arm
row in 8:24, got 81 DU
A. run 1 mile
400m rum
4 rounds
20 kb 35#
40 DU
30 situps
end - 400m run
A. Squat Clean - build to 1RM
B. Front Squat - build to heavy single
C. Bulgarian Split Squat @30X0 - build to 8RM/leg
10min AMRAP
row 2000m
max DU in remaining time
Video starts at 125#. I stopped filming the fails after a while.
A. 55, 85, 105, 115, 125, 135, failed at 145 about 10 times
Got the clean easy every time but couldn't get out of the squat
B. 105, 125, 135, 140 stopped here
C. 10, 18, 26/arm
row in 8:24, got 81 DU
A. run 1 mile
400m rum
4 rounds
20 kb 35#
40 DU
30 situps
end - 400m run
October 2, 2012, Tuesday
Beach WOD
10 to 1
air squats
100m sand run
Took around 16min
10 to 1
air squats
100m sand run
Took around 16min
October 1, 2012, Monday
Build to 1RM deadlift
12 rounds tabata hand release pushups
Built up to 275#
Got 10 reps for all 12 rounds
12 rounds tabata hand release pushups
Built up to 275#
Got 10 reps for all 12 rounds
Sept 29, 2012, Saturday - Pensacola Beach Brawl
1min max rep hang clean 115#
100 DU buy in
deadlift 155#
bar burpee
30 clean
25 front squat
20 shoulder to overhead
15 snatch
10 OHS
30 box jump overs 20"
40 kb 53#
750m row
beach run w/ sandbag w/ 2 walls
10th Overall
WOD 1 - 19 cleans (9th place)
WOD 2 - 5:44 (9th place)
WOD 3 - 8:03 (10th place)
WOD 4 - 7:14 (10th place)
WOD 5 - 3:13 (13th place)
1min max rep hang clean 115#
100 DU buy in
deadlift 155#
bar burpee
30 clean
25 front squat
20 shoulder to overhead
15 snatch
10 OHS
30 box jump overs 20"
40 kb 53#
750m row
beach run w/ sandbag w/ 2 walls
10th Overall
WOD 1 - 19 cleans (9th place)
WOD 2 - 5:44 (9th place)
WOD 3 - 8:03 (10th place)
WOD 4 - 7:14 (10th place)
WOD 5 - 3:13 (13th place)
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