Open WOD #5
7 min ladder
3 thrusters 65#
3 C2B pullups
6 thrusters
6 C2B pullups
9 thrusters
Score: 79
Notes: This is a vast improvement over last year's score of 50. I didn't fail on any of the pull-ups. I actually strung some together the first few sets, but quickly had to break into singles due to my forearms tightening up. I had to break up my sets of 12 and 15 thrusters which I'm not happy about. I'm pleased with my score, but plan to attempt again on Saturday because I think I can do even better.
Good job here. I can't tell exactly but I would consider breaking to singles earlier on pull ups to save your forearms. Don't worry about breaking the thrusters as long as you get back to it quick, unbroken sets gas you a lot more than setting it down once. I plan on breaking the thrusters after the set of 12 on purpose.