A. Snatch Balance - build to heavy 3
B. Hang Squat Snatch 3x3 @70%; rest 2 min
C. Squat Snatch 3x3 @70%; rest 2 min
D1. Ring Dips @30x0; 5x5; rest 90 sec
D2. Strict pullups @ 22x0; 5x5; rest 90 sec
Video of my lifts:
A. Got up to 105#. My arms felt kind of wobbly so I stopped there. (on film is 85#, 95#, 105#)
B. 75# These felt really good. Hips were actually cooperating.
C. 75# These felt good. Got on my toes, but other than that these felt good.
D1. Ring dips were good.
D2. I could barely get the 5th rep before I adding any weight. It was a struggle from the 2nd set on.

Saturday, March 31, 2012
March 30, 2012
A. Front Squat @ 50%- 12 x 2; EMOM
5 sets
5 hang squat clean, 75#
9 Box Jumps, 20”
I had a tennis match on Thursday, so I had to push this workout to Friday.
I had a tennis match on Thursday, so I had to push this workout to Friday.
A. I'm not real sure what my 1RM is on front squat, so I did 5 reps at 75# and the rest at 85#. I feel like I have to force myself down to be below parallel, so its really hard to be explosive out of the bottom. My hips felt good and loose, but I felt like I was slow coming up everytime.
Time: 7:36
The hsc were slower than I would've liked. I was having trouble keeping my balance on the wall during the HSPU, so they were a little slow, but all unbroken. The box jumps went well. I could've done a lot better on this
The hsc were slower than I would've liked. I was having trouble keeping my balance on the wall during the HSPU, so they were a little slow, but all unbroken. The box jumps went well. I could've done a lot better on this
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
March 28, 2012
7 sets; rest 6 min
4 Dead Lift @ 165#
Air Dyne 20 sec
4 Dead Lift @ 165#
Air Dyne 20 sec
Dead lifts felt good. I was trying to go fast, but still keep my form. Airdynes were airdynes...
Dead lifts felt good. I was trying to go fast, but still keep my form. Airdynes were airdynes...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
March 27, 2012
A. Back Squats @ 30X2 @65% - 5x8; rest 5min
B1. Kipping Pullups 5x12; rest 10 sec
B2. Ring Pushups 5x12; rest 2min
C. T2B - 5x10:rest 1min
A. 120# The squats themselves felt good. For some reason the last couple of times I've done back squats I've gotten dizzy. I don't know if my breathing is wrong or what, but its very strange.
B1. got all sets unbroken
B2. these got a little slow on the last reps, but felt fine
C. I only did 3 sets because I my hand ripped and I didn't want it to rip any worse.
B1. Kipping Pullups 5x12; rest 10 sec
B2. Ring Pushups 5x12; rest 2min
C. T2B - 5x10:rest 1min
A. 120# The squats themselves felt good. For some reason the last couple of times I've done back squats I've gotten dizzy. I don't know if my breathing is wrong or what, but its very strange.
B1. got all sets unbroken
B2. these got a little slow on the last reps, but felt fine
C. I only did 3 sets because I my hand ripped and I didn't want it to rip any worse.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Build to 1RM of Power Clean
2K row for time
I got 140# which I think is a PR. I tried for 145# and was SO close every time, but just couldn't finish it out. I had it in my hands and on my chest but my chest was too far forward to get my elbows up and stand up with it. I know with some tech work I could get it easily.
2K time was 8:45 I think this could be better.
2K row for time
I got 140# which I think is a PR. I tried for 145# and was SO close every time, but just couldn't finish it out. I had it in my hands and on my chest but my chest was too far forward to get my elbows up and stand up with it. I know with some tech work I could get it easily.
2K time was 8:45 I think this could be better.
2012 Crossfit Games Open Recap
Final Regional Ranking: 85th (630 points)
Out of 972 ladies from the South Central region that submitted all 5 scores I came in 85th. I am beyond pleased with this. I would have loved to have been in the top 60 this year, but I know that I'm not ready for that. The Open pointed out several of my weaknesses. I've got to get stronger on my snatches. The elusive muscle up is a must. Even though my chest to bar pullups are much better than they were last year, they need to get better. These are just a the movements that were in the Open. I know that I need to get stronger in all my lifts, keep pushing my endurance, work on gymnastic movements, and keep pushing myself. I feel like I'm on the right track. Thanks to Michael McElroy for my great programming. Hopefully I'll be at Regionals competing with him next year.
Last year: 145th (1034 points) - 336 competitors
Out of 972 ladies from the South Central region that submitted all 5 scores I came in 85th. I am beyond pleased with this. I would have loved to have been in the top 60 this year, but I know that I'm not ready for that. The Open pointed out several of my weaknesses. I've got to get stronger on my snatches. The elusive muscle up is a must. Even though my chest to bar pullups are much better than they were last year, they need to get better. These are just a the movements that were in the Open. I know that I need to get stronger in all my lifts, keep pushing my endurance, work on gymnastic movements, and keep pushing myself. I feel like I'm on the right track. Thanks to Michael McElroy for my great programming. Hopefully I'll be at Regionals competing with him next year.
Last year: 145th (1034 points) - 336 competitors
March 24, 2012
Open WOD #5 - Take 2
7 mins
3 C2B pullups
3 Thrusters 65#
6 pullups
6 thrusters
9 pullups
9 thrusters
Score: 83
Notes: When I went into this workout on Thursday I had no idea what kind of number to shoot for or how it was going to go. I felt like I was better prepared mentally this time. Unfortunately my forearms were destroyed. I was able to string more pullups together, but I was slow getting up onto the bar due to my forearms throbbing. I failed on 3 reps of the pullups...one somewhere in the middle and my last 2 before the buzzer which was beyond frustrating. I didn't break up my thrusters until the set of 15, but they were a lot slower than I would have liked. Despite all of this I was happy with my score.
7 mins
3 C2B pullups
3 Thrusters 65#
6 pullups
6 thrusters
9 pullups
9 thrusters
Score: 83
Notes: When I went into this workout on Thursday I had no idea what kind of number to shoot for or how it was going to go. I felt like I was better prepared mentally this time. Unfortunately my forearms were destroyed. I was able to string more pullups together, but I was slow getting up onto the bar due to my forearms throbbing. I failed on 3 reps of the pullups...one somewhere in the middle and my last 2 before the buzzer which was beyond frustrating. I didn't break up my thrusters until the set of 15, but they were a lot slower than I would have liked. Despite all of this I was happy with my score.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
March 22, 2012
Open WOD #5
7 min ladder
3 thrusters 65#
3 C2B pullups
6 thrusters
6 C2B pullups
9 thrusters
Score: 79
Notes: This is a vast improvement over last year's score of 50. I didn't fail on any of the pull-ups. I actually strung some together the first few sets, but quickly had to break into singles due to my forearms tightening up. I had to break up my sets of 12 and 15 thrusters which I'm not happy about. I'm pleased with my score, but plan to attempt again on Saturday because I think I can do even better.
7 min ladder
3 thrusters 65#
3 C2B pullups
6 thrusters
6 C2B pullups
9 thrusters
Score: 79
Notes: This is a vast improvement over last year's score of 50. I didn't fail on any of the pull-ups. I actually strung some together the first few sets, but quickly had to break into singles due to my forearms tightening up. I had to break up my sets of 12 and 15 thrusters which I'm not happy about. I'm pleased with my score, but plan to attempt again on Saturday because I think I can do even better.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
March 21, 2012
15min on/5min rest
10 kb Snatch, L 26#
10 kb Snatch, R 26#
10 hand release pushups
200 m row(it was raining, had to sub row)
250m row
10 box jumps
7 OHS 55#
1st set - 5 rounds +70m row
2nd set - 5 rounds + 30m row
Everything felt pretty good today. Snatches and pushups got a little tough at the end of the set, but not too bad. Rowing got a little tedious in the 2nd set due to having to sub rowing in the first set. OHS were better than the last few during MAP training.
10 kb Snatch, L 26#
10 kb Snatch, R 26#
10 hand release pushups
200 m row(it was raining, had to sub row)
250m row
10 box jumps
7 OHS 55#
1st set - 5 rounds +70m row
2nd set - 5 rounds + 30m row
Everything felt pretty good today. Snatches and pushups got a little tough at the end of the set, but not too bad. Rowing got a little tedious in the 2nd set due to having to sub rowing in the first set. OHS were better than the last few during MAP training.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
March 20, 2012
A. Back Squat @ 70%- 5 x 5; rest 3 min
B. Squat Snatch- 3 reps @ 80# EMOM- 5 min
C. KB Swing @ 70#- 5 x 15; rest 1 min
D1. Pull Ups- amrap (-3) x 3; rest 1 min
D2. Ring Dips- amrap (-3) x 3; rest 1 min
E. GH Sit Ups- 3 x 18; rest 90 sec
A. 130# - These felt good. Last couple of reps got a little tough.
B. For the most part these went well. I failed on a rep in the 2nd set, but it was from bad form, not the weight.
C. I'm assuming these were supposed to be Russian.
D1. 8, 8, 8, 7, 7,
D2. 5, 5, 4, 3, 4
E. I had to take my time on the third set due to some back pain, but the first 2 sets felt good.
A. 130# - These felt good. Last couple of reps got a little tough.
B. For the most part these went well. I failed on a rep in the 2nd set, but it was from bad form, not the weight.
C. I'm assuming these were supposed to be Russian.
D1. 8, 8, 8, 7, 7,
D2. 5, 5, 4, 3, 4
E. I had to take my time on the third set due to some back pain, but the first 2 sets felt good.
Monday, March 19, 2012
March 19, 2012
A. Power Snatch.Snatch Balance 1.1x4; 3min (70-80%)
B. Power Clean and Jerk 3x3; rest 2 min (70%)
C. Strict pullups 5 x amrap
D. Ring Dips 5 x amrap
3 sets; rest 8 min
10 burpees
20 KB 53#
30 sec Airdyne sprint
A. I misread the sheet and did 1.1 4 times in a row with no break using 75#. The power snatches felt good, but the snatch balances were a little slower than I'd like. I did a few more reps of it since I did it wrong.
B. 95# These felt a little heavy, but I thought they went well.
C. 5, 4, 4, 3, 3
D. 11, 8, 7, 5, 5
1:40, 1:35, 1:45
Burpees were good. I"ve been doing a lot of russian kb swings, so having to do a full swing took a lot out of me. I had to break up the last set. I didn't want to, but my forearms were cramping. The airdyne was awful as usual.
B. Power Clean and Jerk 3x3; rest 2 min (70%)
C. Strict pullups 5 x amrap
D. Ring Dips 5 x amrap
3 sets; rest 8 min
10 burpees
20 KB 53#
30 sec Airdyne sprint
A. I misread the sheet and did 1.1 4 times in a row with no break using 75#. The power snatches felt good, but the snatch balances were a little slower than I'd like. I did a few more reps of it since I did it wrong.
B. 95# These felt a little heavy, but I thought they went well.
C. 5, 4, 4, 3, 3
D. 11, 8, 7, 5, 5
1:40, 1:35, 1:45
Burpees were good. I"ve been doing a lot of russian kb swings, so having to do a full swing took a lot out of me. I had to break up the last set. I didn't want to, but my forearms were cramping. The airdyne was awful as usual.
March 16, 2012
Open WOD 12.4
12 min amrap
150 wall balls
90 DU
30 muscle ups
Score: 240
Notes: I've never done Karen before, so I wasn't really sure what to expect from the wall balls. I knew I was going to break them up from the beginning. My hips weren't feeling great before I started, so I went into it thinking I'd do sets of 10. Once I actually got started, they weren't feeling that bad, so I went with set of 15. I held the sets of 15 until I got to 90. Then I went to sets of 10. I didn't break up into 5's til the last 10. I finished up the wall balls at 8:16. I broke the double unders up in 20/20/20/30. I only tripped up once. I finished the double unders right at 10:00. I got about 6-7 attempts at muscle ups, but no luck. Even though I didn't get any muscle ups I feel pretty good about how I did.
12 min amrap
150 wall balls
90 DU
30 muscle ups
Score: 240
Notes: I've never done Karen before, so I wasn't really sure what to expect from the wall balls. I knew I was going to break them up from the beginning. My hips weren't feeling great before I started, so I went into it thinking I'd do sets of 10. Once I actually got started, they weren't feeling that bad, so I went with set of 15. I held the sets of 15 until I got to 90. Then I went to sets of 10. I didn't break up into 5's til the last 10. I finished up the wall balls at 8:16. I broke the double unders up in 20/20/20/30. I only tripped up once. I finished the double unders right at 10:00. I got about 6-7 attempts at muscle ups, but no luck. Even though I didn't get any muscle ups I feel pretty good about how I did.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
March 14, 2012
15 min on/5 min off
10 wallball
15 DU
run 200m
7 hand release pushups
14 24" box jumps - step down
300m row
5+15 DU
4+7 pushups
I was really sore and tight today. I did a lot of stretching and warming up. I completed a round of the first set of movements, but stopped and stretched for another 5 minutes. I started again. I was still really sore. I was never out of breath, but felt like I was moving in slow motion. I got on the foam roller and did some more stretching after I got done. I hope I feel better before Friday.
10 wallball
15 DU
run 200m
7 hand release pushups
14 24" box jumps - step down
300m row
5+15 DU
4+7 pushups
I was really sore and tight today. I did a lot of stretching and warming up. I completed a round of the first set of movements, but stopped and stretched for another 5 minutes. I started again. I was still really sore. I was never out of breath, but felt like I was moving in slow motion. I got on the foam roller and did some more stretching after I got done. I hope I feel better before Friday.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
March 13, 2012
A. Back Squat - build to 90% for a triple
B. Squat snatch - 75# 2 reps EMOM x 5
C. Russian KB 70# - 5x12
D. GHD Sit-up - 3x15
A. 165# is 90%. I did one rep at this weight and had really bad form, so I racked it. I started again, got 2 reps and started seeing spots. I tried for the 3rd rep, but psyched myself out and failed.
B. Squat snatches felt great. I was really trying to focus on form.
C. These were smooth and steady.
D. First 2 sets of these felt good. The third set started to hurt.
B. Squat snatch - 75# 2 reps EMOM x 5
C. Russian KB 70# - 5x12
D. GHD Sit-up - 3x15
A. 165# is 90%. I did one rep at this weight and had really bad form, so I racked it. I started again, got 2 reps and started seeing spots. I tried for the 3rd rep, but psyched myself out and failed.
B. Squat snatches felt great. I was really trying to focus on form.
C. These were smooth and steady.
D. First 2 sets of these felt good. The third set started to hurt.
Monday, March 12, 2012
March 12, 2012
I am laying on a lacrosse ball as I type this. I feel like I've been beat up by someone, and that someone is 12.3.
A. Squat Snatch @ 60% 3x3
B. Squat Clean and Jerk @65% 3x3
C. Snatch Balance to Heavy single
4 sets
amrap ring dips
run 400m
A. 65# These felt ok. Had some balance problems, but got them under control.
B. 85# These were really slow, and felt harder than they should have
C. I only went to 95# My hip/back was acting up and I didn't want to push it.
ring dips - 12, 9, 10, 8
runs were sloooow, my first step on the run brought all the pain back into my calves and shins. I could feel every box jump in every step.
A. Squat Snatch @ 60% 3x3
B. Squat Clean and Jerk @65% 3x3
C. Snatch Balance to Heavy single
4 sets
amrap ring dips
run 400m
A. 65# These felt ok. Had some balance problems, but got them under control.
B. 85# These were really slow, and felt harder than they should have
C. I only went to 95# My hip/back was acting up and I didn't want to push it.
ring dips - 12, 9, 10, 8
runs were sloooow, my first step on the run brought all the pain back into my calves and shins. I could feel every box jump in every step.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
March 10, 2012
Open WOD #3 - Take 2
18 min AMRAP
15 box jumps
12 push press 75#
9 T2B
8 rounds +25
Notes: I went into this hoping for 9 rounds. Got pretty close, but my calves hadn't recovered from Thursday. Box jumps went pretty smoothly. Had 5 rounds done at the halfway point. The push presses got rough. I tried to go all out the last minute, but just couldn't keep from dropping the bar. With sore calves and ripped hands I'm happy with my score.
18 min AMRAP
15 box jumps
12 push press 75#
9 T2B
8 rounds +25
Notes: I went into this hoping for 9 rounds. Got pretty close, but my calves hadn't recovered from Thursday. Box jumps went pretty smoothly. Had 5 rounds done at the halfway point. The push presses got rough. I tried to go all out the last minute, but just couldn't keep from dropping the bar. With sore calves and ripped hands I'm happy with my score.
March 8, 2012
Open WOD #3
18 min AMRAP
15 box jumps
12 push press 75#
9 T2B
8 rounds
Notes: I kept a good pace on the first half, then kind of fell apart mentally the second half. Felt ok about my score, but think I could do better.
18 min AMRAP
15 box jumps
12 push press 75#
9 T2B
8 rounds
Notes: I kept a good pace on the first half, then kind of fell apart mentally the second half. Felt ok about my score, but think I could do better.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
March 7, 2012
10 min high consistent effort/5min rest
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
10 box jumps
20 DU
5 power snatches 65#
5 pullups
run 200m
PU/PU/SQ - 10 rounds +2 (I think) Pullups were good. I had to break up pushups around round 7 or so. Squats felt decent.
HSPU/BoxJ/DU - 6 rounds I think I could have gotten more, but I was trying to control my breathing.
Sn/PU/Run - 4 rounds +2 My breathing was gone by this set. My run were super slow. Snatches felt good. My grip was hurting on the pullups.
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 squats
10 box jumps
20 DU
5 power snatches 65#
5 pullups
run 200m
PU/PU/SQ - 10 rounds +2 (I think) Pullups were good. I had to break up pushups around round 7 or so. Squats felt decent.
HSPU/BoxJ/DU - 6 rounds I think I could have gotten more, but I was trying to control my breathing.
Sn/PU/Run - 4 rounds +2 My breathing was gone by this set. My run were super slow. Snatches felt good. My grip was hurting on the pullups.
March 6, 2012
Warm up w/ 1000m row @ 70% effort
A. Back Squat- build to 90% for a double
B. Power Snatch.Hang Squat Snatch- 1.1 x 5; 5 min rest
C. Russian KB Swings w/ 70#- 5 x 10; rest 1 min
D. Toes To Bar- 5 x 10; rest 1 min
A. Got to 165#
B. 65, 75, 85, 85, 90# I failed a few times, but it wasn't because of the weight. My hips were hurting and I was really trying to concentrate on form. When I concentrate too hard I usually focus on one thing and forget something else causing a fail.
C. These felt better than usual
D. These felt ok. I felt like I was about to rip my hands, so I didn't get them all unbroken.
A. Got to 165#
B. 65, 75, 85, 85, 90# I failed a few times, but it wasn't because of the weight. My hips were hurting and I was really trying to concentrate on form. When I concentrate too hard I usually focus on one thing and forget something else causing a fail.
C. These felt better than usual
D. These felt ok. I felt like I was about to rip my hands, so I didn't get them all unbroken.
Since the cert I've really been concentrating on pushing my knees out and getting down into a correct squat. This has caused a new strain on my hips. I can tell my squat is getting better, but its going to take a little while for my hips to adjust.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
March 3-4, 2012
Level 1 Cert
This was a great weekend, and I feel like I learned so much. Hopefully I can use this new found knowledge to improve myself and others. As always we did Fran...
Thrusters 65#
Time: 6:28
I did not push myself on this, so I thought this was a decent time.
This was a great weekend, and I feel like I learned so much. Hopefully I can use this new found knowledge to improve myself and others. As always we did Fran...
Thrusters 65#
Time: 6:28
I did not push myself on this, so I thought this was a decent time.
March 2, 2012
Open WOD #2
10 min
30 snatches 45#
30 snatches 75#
30 snatches 100#
69 reps
Considering my 1RM is 105# I was pretty pleased with how I did. I wish I could have tried it again, but there just wasn't enough time. After 2 weeks I'm 65th in the region. I'm sure that won't last, but I'm super pumped with where I am in the rankings.
10 min
30 snatches 45#
30 snatches 75#
30 snatches 100#
69 reps
Considering my 1RM is 105# I was pretty pleased with how I did. I wish I could have tried it again, but there just wasn't enough time. After 2 weeks I'm 65th in the region. I'm sure that won't last, but I'm super pumped with where I am in the rankings.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
March 1, 2012
10 min @ high consistent aerobic effort
5 min walk/recover
5 min walk/recover
5 Wall Ball
10 Box Jumps, 20”
run 200m
10 Box Jumps, 20”
run 200m
10 OHS, 45#
20 Double Unders
Row 300m
20 Double Unders
Row 300m
10 Russian KB Swings, 53#
14 Walking Lunges
10 Russian KB Swings, 53#
14 Walking Lunges
This felt MUCH better today. I think my numbers could have still been a little better, but I felt good.
wall ball/ box jump/run - 5+6 box jumps; The incline on the runs and the box jumps put a hurtin on my calves.
OHS/DU/row - 3 rounds + 200m row
I got tripped up on the DU, and the OHS were a little slow, but they felt good.
HSPU/KB/lunges - 7+5 HSPUI started off strong, but I ran out of gas at the end of this set. I should have gotten at least 8 rounds. HSPU felt good, but the kb and lunges were a little slow.
This felt MUCH better today. I think my numbers could have still been a little better, but I felt good.
wall ball/ box jump/run - 5+6 box jumps; The incline on the runs and the box jumps put a hurtin on my calves.
OHS/DU/row - 3 rounds + 200m row
I got tripped up on the DU, and the OHS were a little slow, but they felt good.
HSPU/KB/lunges - 7+5 HSPUI started off strong, but I ran out of gas at the end of this set. I should have gotten at least 8 rounds. HSPU felt good, but the kb and lunges were a little slow.
February 29, 2012
10 min @ high consistent aerobic effort
5 min walk/recover
5 min walk/recover
5 Wall Ball
10 Box Jumps, 20”
run 200m
10 Box Jumps, 20”
run 200m
10 OHS, 45#
20 Double Unders
Row 300m
20 Double Unders
Row 300m
10 Russian KB Swings, 53#
14 Walking Lunges
10 Russian KB Swings, 53#
14 Walking Lunges
I barely got any sleep and had to drink Diet Mountain Dew all day to make it through work. The first set felt ok. I got 5 rounds. When I got to the first row of the second set I started feeling very sick. I slowly went through 3 rounds. I tried to start the third set, but felt so sick I couldn't complete it.
I got to bed early last night, am drinking lots of water today and plan to repeat this workout this afternoon.
I barely got any sleep and had to drink Diet Mountain Dew all day to make it through work. The first set felt ok. I got 5 rounds. When I got to the first row of the second set I started feeling very sick. I slowly went through 3 rounds. I tried to start the third set, but felt so sick I couldn't complete it.
I got to bed early last night, am drinking lots of water today and plan to repeat this workout this afternoon.
February 28, 2012
A. Back Squat- build to 90% of 1RM in under 10 min
B. Power Clean- build to a heavy single, NO FAIL
C1. Toes to Bar- 3 x 15; rest 1 min
C2. Back Extensions @ 20X1; 3 x 15; rest 1 min
B. Power Clean- build to a heavy single, NO FAIL
C1. Toes to Bar- 3 x 15; rest 1 min
C2. Back Extensions @ 20X1; 3 x 15; rest 1 min
A. Got to 165#. These felt good.
B. Got to 135#. Probably could have gotten 140, but didn't have 2.5 plates to bump up.
C1. unbroken, but had to adjust grip on last 5 reps on the last 2 sets
C2. a little painful, but I was able to complete them
A. Got to 165#. These felt good.
B. Got to 135#. Probably could have gotten 140, but didn't have 2.5 plates to bump up.
C1. unbroken, but had to adjust grip on last 5 reps on the last 2 sets
C2. a little painful, but I was able to complete them
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