Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 30, 2012, Saturday

A. OHS - build to 1RM
B. Front Squat - build to 1RM

I've been out sick with a sinus infection the last 2 days, so I'm a little behind.
A. 65, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 150#
These felt pretty good. I finally got over my fear and stuck 150 over my head. I attempted 155 and HAD it, but coming up something started hurting in my elbow. I was out of the bottom of my squat and had the strength in my legs to get it up, but it felt like my elbow was about to pop so I dropped it. I don't know if it was hyper-extending or what, but I decided 150 was good enough for today. PR!
B. 65, 85, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 150#
I'm kind of disappointed in these numbers. I attempted 155# twice and failed. I probably could have used bad form and gotten it, but I didn't want to hurt my back.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 27, 2012, Wednesday

Thrusters 65#

Today was just a mess. I felt great going in. My hips were feeling good. I had a plan of trying to get the pull-ups in 11/10, 15, 9. I got the first set of thrusters unbroken and they felt pretty good. I got 11 pull-ups and my grip was gone. I think the next 10 took 3 sets. By the time I got back to the bar my forearms were so cramped up I could barely grip the bar. I decided to stop, stretch some more and try again in a little while. I waited about 30 minutes and tried again.
Take 2: First set of thrusters felt fine. I broke the pull-ups into 7/7/7 which worked much better. I wanted to get the 15 set of thrusters unbroken, but I had to break it into 8/7. I planned on going 5/5/5 for the pull-ups. Got the first 5. Jumped up for the next 5 and felt my hand rip on the first one. I got 2 and fell off. I tried to get back up, but it HURT. I gave up again. I was so frustrated and pissed at myself. I sat in the floor for a 1-1:30.  After sitting there a while I decided I was going to finish. I did the rest of the pull-ups as singles barely holding on with my fingertips. Last set of thrusters was fine. My time was 7:25. Ugh...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26, 2012, Tuesday

A. Power Snatch - build to 1RM
B. Back Squat - build to 1RM


A. 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 107.5, 115#
These felt good. My feet ended further apart than I'd like on the last few attempts. The 107.5 was supposed to be 110, but I only put one 2.5# plate on...Oops! It took 3 attempts and it wasn't pretty, but I PR'd at 115#!  Woo Hoo!
B. 65, 85, 105, 125, 145, 155, 175, 185, 190#
I'm still leaning way too far forward. I'm just going to have to keep working on mobility. Other than that they felt ok. 185 was difficult, but I wanted to try for a PR. 190 actually felt better than 185. I tried for 195, but it was a no go. I'll take a 5# PR any day!

Monday, June 25, 2012

June 25, 2012, Monday

4 Rounds
run 400m
50 DU

Took this at nice, steady pace. Calves started cramping on the runs. Got all the HSPU unbroken. Tripped up on the DU, but got first 3 sets in 2 tries and got the 4th set unbroken. The 3rd set I had gotten to 47 and tripped up. So frustrating, but 47 is still good.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 24, 2012, Sunday

20 min
odd minutes - 10 pullups
even minutes - 10 OHS 75#
10 min Z1 airdyne
10 min Z1 row 
10 min Z1 row

This was harder than I thought it was going to be. The first 10 minutes felt pretty good. My OHS felt good. They got a little wobbly towards the end, but all unbroken. I lost my grip early on the pullups. I was able to keep them unbroken for the first 7 rounds. On round 8 and 9 I tried to get them unbroken, but fell off the bar. I ripped my hands on 8. Round 10 I didn't try to get them unbroken, I just wanted to finish. I was able to keep my breathing pretty under control, but my heart rate was through the roof. A few drinks at the cookout on Saturday probably had something to do with it. 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

June 23, 2012, Saturday

3 rounds .5 mile AirDyne @95%; rest 5min
10 min hand stand walk practice
4 rounds .5 mile AirDyne @95%; rest 5 min
Toes to Bar
Ring dip
Power Clean 95#

This was just mean...
1:20, 1:14, 1:20 (AirDyne times are approximate. The mile counter skipped. Example: .48 mile to .53 miles)
I actually got some decent walks!
1:22, 1:20, 1:20, 1:21
I stayed at a controlled pace the whole time. I wasn't completely recovered from the AirDynes. Thought I did pretty well with it. Had some trouble controlling swinging on the T2B int he middle. Ring dips got difficult. Cleans felt good. Started doing some touch and go towards the end.

Friday, June 22, 2012

June 22, 2012, Friday

A. OHS - build to a tough single in 12min
B. Hang Squat Clean @95#; 2 EMOM x 10min
C. Deadlift @ 13X1 @70%; 2 EMOM x 6min
5 rounds
10 goblet squats
10 hand release pushups
25 double unders


A. 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145#
These felt pretty good. I was trying to sit between my feet, but my hips weren't really having it. I wanted to try 150, but I over thought it and couldn't get it over my head.
B. These felt good, but it was difficult coming out of the bottom if the squat as usual.
C. These didn't feel awful, but not great.

This was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Goblet squats were rough. I did not want to pick the KB back up. Hips were not feeling good. Pushups got difficult in the third round. Double unders were good til the last round. My breathing was not were I think it should have been. I was very out of breath.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

June 21, 2012, Thursday

5 sets prowler sprint w/50#; rest 2min
5 sets All Out
300m row
rest 5min
20min row @Z1

Wednesday I had tennis
The prowler was much harder this week. First one downhill felt good. Next one uphill hurt a little. Third one uphill hurt a lot and was VERY slow. Fourth one was back downhill. I was able to go a little faster due to the downhill, but died out. I seriously thought I was going to vomit between sets 4 and 5. Fifth one was back uphill and I think a snail passed me.
1:05, 1:05, 1:12, 1:06, 1:07
I had to rest a long time between the prowler and the rows.
These stayed pretty consistant minus the third one. With about 70m left both my feet came flying out of the straps. I don't know how I didn't fall off the back. Legs were very tired. I could get my breathing under control, but my heart rate would not slow down. I still felt like I needed to throw up.
I finally started feeling back to normal after the Z1 row.    

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

June 19, 2012, Tuesday

A. Hang Power Snatch 3x3 @80%; rest 2min
B. Power Snatch @ 60%; 2 EMOMx10
C. Back Squat 4x3 @ 30X1 @80%; rest 3min
muscle up practice
5 sets; 90sec work
5 ring dips
7 pullups
10 squats
bear crawl remaining time
rest 60sec


A. 85, 85, 90#  
These felt good
B. 3x70#, 7x75#
These felt good, too
C. 150, 150, 155, 155#
I could barely get the 3rd rep on these.
kip was looking good
Averaged around 35sec on the movements. Tried to kip the ring dips. Kipping is awkward to me, but I think I got a few good ones. All unbroken. I am not a fan of bear crawls. :)

Monday, June 18, 2012

June 18, 2012, Monday

For time:
50 pullups
50 burpees
10min run @Z1
10 min stretch hip flexors and ankles
10min Airdyne @Z1
10min stretch hamstrings and back
10min row @ Z1
10min work on squat

I blew my grip on my first set of pull-ups. I had planned on doing 15, but I felt good, so I did 20. I dropped, re-chalked, and when I got back on the bar I had no grip left. My sets ended up being 20/5/5/5/5/3/3/2/2  I paused too much between sets trying to shake out my forearms. I stepped back and up on the burpees, but I did them non-stop. I'm not real happy with this time.
Trying to sit down between my feet is really hard and hurts!

Press 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1; Push jerk amrap x2 using one rep weight from press
85, 85, 85, 90, 90, 95, 100#; 6 and 6 using 100#

Saturday, June 16, 2012

June 16, 2012, Saturday

Row 250m x4 @95%; rest 5min
10 min MU practice
Row 250m x4 @95%; rest 5min

:55, :53, :53, :53
:53, :54, :53, :53

Friday, June 15, 2012

June 15, 2012, Friday

A. Snatch balance - build to heavy single in 12min
B. Hang Squat Clean - build to heavy single in 10min
C. Deadlift @ 13X1 @70%; 2 EMOM x 6
5 rounds
10 squat cleans 85#

A. 55, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 105, failed at 110
I don't know why I've gotten so hesitant with this movement. I should be able to get 110.
B. 55, 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 130, 135
As I got into the heavier weight they were a little slower than I'd like, but felt good. I think this was a PR.
C. 195# felt ok
This took me around 24 minutes. In the middle of round 2 of the squat cleans I quit. My back and quads were destroyed. I sat there for about 5 minutes, but then decided I was going to finish no matter how long it took. I broke the squat cleans into singles with long pauses between pulls. I had to talk myself into picking the bar back up between reps. I was near tears several time. The HSPU weren't a problem. Got all those unbroken. Even though it took me forever, I finished it.

June 14, 2012, Thursday

Rest day

So I was messing around at the gym and the class was having double under practice so I jumped in.
94 double unders unbroken!  New PR! Woo!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

June 13, 2012, Wednesday

5 sets; rest 2 min
20sec prowler sprint w/50#
5 sets All Out
15 Thrusters
10 burpees
15sec AirDyne
rest 5 min
20min row @Z1

The prowler sprints were tough, but doable. I was able to push for the whole 20sec without the prowler stopping. It got slow at times, but I kept it moving.
1:15, 1:15, 1:15, 1:17, 1:20
This went ok. Everything got tough at the end. The weight of the thrusters wasn't bad, but it was difficult to get out of the bottom of the squat. I tried to jump up on the burpees as much as I could, but there were some step ups toward the end.

5 rounds
9 pullups
6 power cleans 95#
3 push press 95#
3 burpee box jumps

Got all my pullups unbroken even though I cracked my chin on the car on round 4. Broke the cleans into quick singles. Push presses weren't as rough as I thought they were going to be. Burpee box jumps weren't that intimidating considering it was only 3 at a time.

Cleans and push presses felt good, so I decided to shoot for a PR. I cleaned 145# last week, but didn't attempt to jerk it. I started with 140 and got it, then bumped up to 145. The clean was a little ugly, but I got the split jerk pretty easily. Woo hoo PR!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12, 2012, Tuesday

Hooray for being really Old!

A. Tall Snatch - build to a heavy single in 10 min
B. Hang Power Snatch 3x3@ 80%; rest 2min
C. 1 1/4 back squat @30X1; 4x4 @75%; rest 3min
5 sets @ high aerobic effort
3 ring dips
5CTB pullups
10 wall balls
15 DU


A. 45, 55, 65, 70, 75
These went ok. I can't tell if I'm using my hips or not on the tall snatch. It was a little difficult to transition from the tall snatch to the power snatch.
B. 85#  These felt pretty good. A few were a little wobbly. My feet stayed behind the line.
C. 140#  These were ROUGH

1:05, 1:02, 1:02, 1:10, 1:10
This went well. Tripped up on DU on set 4, and missed on a pull-up in set 5.

Monday, June 11, 2012

June 11, 2012, Monday

Row 250m
15 KB 53#
25 burpees
15 KB 53#
row 250m
5min couch stretch
5min stretch ankles
10 min med ball toss/airdyne

First row I kept it between 1:55-1:59 pace. KB were ok. Burpees were slow but steady. I got a majority of them jumping up, but started stepping up at the end. Second row I was between 2:00-2:05 pace.
The couch stretch about killed me. Wow...

5 rounds
400m run

All HSPU unbroken. Runs were rough.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

June 9, 2012, Saturday

Crossfit for Hope
3 rounds
1min burpees
1min Snatch 55#
1min box jumps
1 min Thrusters 55#
1 min CTB pull-ups
1min rest

Total: 211
This was just brutal. I was kind of disappointed in my numbers. Burpees stayed pretty consistent. The three middle movements destroyed me.  The pull-ups weren't too bad. I may could have gotten a few more reps.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

June 7, 2012, Thrusday

A. Snatch Balance - build to a heavy single in 12 min
B. Hang squat clean @88%; 3x3; rest 2min
C. Deadlift @13X1 @65%; 12x2 EMOM
6 sets
60sec row @2:10 pace
60sec row @2:45 pace


A. 55, 75, 85, 95, 100, failed on 105
These felt very wobbly. Ran out of time.
B. 120#   I have to admit I was scared of these. There were 2 attempts that I got the clean, but wasn't balanced enough to get into the squat. One attempt the bar hit my chest on the way up and I dropped it. They were all super slow. A few times I felt like my feet were too wide apart in the squat.
C. 185#  These were difficult. I had Grayson watch my form and he said I was doing it right, but it was killing my back.
These felt ok.


The actual "clean" of the squat cleans was feeling pretty good even though the squats weren't, so I got a bug in my britches and decided to try and hit a PR clean. I loaded up 145# and sure enough nailed it! Woo! I tried for 150# and that was a no go, but I'll take 145#  :)
I've also been messing around with pistols. I couldn't tell how low I was getting, so I decided to film myself and figured I'd share. It looks like I'm pretty close on my left leg. My right knee is the bum one which is probably why the right leg isn't as good. I've been noticing in my videos and even in some pictures taken of me lifting that I tend to favor my left leg,

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6, 2012, Wednesday

5 sets; rest 2min
18sec prowler sled w/70#
5 sets All Out
10 snatches 75#
10 box jumps
10 thrusters 75#
row 20min @Z1

18sec is a LONG time. On the 4th set I attempted to push it up hill. As I pushed with everything I had, I took about 4 steps, but the prowler just laughed at me as is didn't budge and my feet just slid behind me.
Was this supposed to be rough? Because I wanted to quit after the first set.
1:35, 2:15, 2:06, 2:22, 2:24
Did everything unbroken on the first set. When I got done my legs cramped up. My upper quad was on fire. I actually stretched extra today, but it didn't seem to help. Everything was difficult. I realized towards the end that I think I was muscle snatching. I don't know if that makes a difference or not. The last few reps of each snatch set were just barely getting up there. Box jumps were slow and sloppy. Thrusters were TERRIBLE. It felt like I had 200# on the bar. From the 2nd set on I had to break it into 5/5. Even though I hate them, I REALLY need to work on these. My breathing was terrible. I think a lot of it was me getting upset about how bad I was doing and about how bad my legs were hurting. Getting upset always throws my breathing off.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 5, 2012, Tuesday

A. Muscle Snatch - build to a heavy single in 10 min
B. Tall snatch - build to a heavy single in 10 min
C. 1 1/4 back squat @30X1; 4x3 @70%; rest 3 min
5 set @ high aerobic effort
5 pullups
12 walking lunger w/25# plate overhead
rest 60 sec


A. 45, 60, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90
I really tried to focus on hips opening.
B. 45, 55, 65, 70
It is so hard for me to just use arms. I think the 70 I used my hips.
C. I had another brain fart...when I was calculating the weight I plugged in 80% which was 145# and didn't realize it til after. It was rough, but I finished it.

:42, :40, :46, :47, :44
Rounds 3 and 4 I fell off the wall. I was trying to go too fast and let my butt come off the wall. Other than that I thought I was pretty consistent.

Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4, 2012, Monday

Row 300m
20 burpees
Row 300m
5 min @Z1 of each of the following
foam roll legs
50 jump rope, 10 sit-ups, 25ft bear crawl
foam roll legs
side bridge holds, 10 pushups
foam roll upper body
50ft bear crawls, 10 step ups, 10 sit-ups
hip flexor stretch
turkish getups 35#

Time: 3:27
I kept the first row right at or under 1:55. Burpees didn't feel as slow as they normally do. I actually got a majority of them jumping up with 2 feet. I kept the second row under a 2:00 pace.

3 rounds
15 hang cleans 75#
15 ring dips

Hang cleans went well. First set of dips were 5/5/5. Next 2 sets were very difficult and were mostly singles.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

June 2, 2012, Saturday

5 sets All Out; rest 4:30
45 sec AirDyne
5 min on/3min rest
5 Pullups
25 double unders

5 ring dips
10 russian kb 53#
15 lunges

15 walking lunges


Cal: 21, 19, 18, 18, 20
This is not the way to start a beautiful Saturday morning. This was just mean.  :)
My quads tightened up some. Had to stretch between each set. I was able to get my breathing under control in 4:30. My heart rate was another was still racing.
PU/DU - 7+2pullups
got all DU unbroken! woo!

RD/KB/BJ - 3+7box jumps
arms failed on last set of ring dips, kb ok, paced box jumps

HSPU/WL - 7+4lunges
got first 2 sets and first 2 of 3rd set of HSPU strict. Kipped the rest. Quads tightened back up on lunges.

run was ok, enjoyed the weather :)

Friday, June 1, 2012

June 1, 2012, Friday

A. OHS @20X1; build to a heavy single in 12min
B. Hang Sq Clean @ 85%  3x3; rest 2 min
C. Deadlift @13X1 @60%; 12x2 EMOM
8 min AMRAP
5 Hang Sq Clean 75#
5 ring pushups
5 T2B
5 burpees

*Any and all comments would be greatly appreciated.  :)

A. 85, 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145#
These felt pretty solid. I tried for 150#, but I got scared trying to bump it up over my head
B. 115#  I feel like I'm cleansing and then squatting. My hips are feeling good, but I don't have the hip speed to drop under like I need to.
C. These didn't feel great, but they were ok.


6+5sq cleans
I was feeling good after the strength, but this WOD did not feel good. Squat cleans were slow. I wasn't happy with my breathing. I got winded too quickly. Rested too much between movements. Pushups got a little difficult. Burpees were slow as always.

20 power snatch 55#
6 C2B pullups
10 burpee
15 snatch
8 C2B
10 burpee
10 snatch
10 C2B
10 burpee

Crossfit for Hope is gonna SUCK!!!