Thursday, May 17, 2012

May 17, 2012, Thursday

A. OHS @ 20X1; build to a heavy 3 in 12 min
B. Hang Squat Cleans 3x3 @ 80%; rest 2 min
C. Deadlift @13X1; 2 reps @ 50 %; 12xEMOM
1000m row
50 Thrusters 35#
30 pullups

A. 65, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125#  These got a little heavy towards the end, but other than that felt good.
B. 110#  I was very hesitant about these, but they actually weren't that bad. A little slow and got a little difficult, but I felt ok about them.
2nd set
3rd set
C. These felt fine.
My quads still haven't recovered from the weekend. Plus, we had dragon boat regatta practice yesterday which was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. The row went well. Kept it between 2:00-2:10 the whole time. Tried to keep it as close to 2:05 as I could. Breathing was good. As soon as I stepped off the rower my quads felt like 1000lbs and were on fire. The thrusters were painful. I got 25 reps and i had to drop the bar. I technically got the next set of 25 unbroken, but there were some pauses in the rack position to shake out my legs. I got upset during the thrusters which threw my breathing off. When I got to the pull-ups I was a mess. I wanted to get 3 sets of 10, but that didn't happen. I got the first 10. I got 5 and 5, then the last 10 were 2s and 3s. My time was still a PR, but I was not happy with my performance.

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