#4# Competition
2nd Place - Intermediate Division
This weekend we traveled to Montgomery, AL for the #4# competition. When they posted the movement requirements I signed up for the Intermediate Division. After seeing the actual workouts I could have done Advanced, but in the end this worked out better for me. There were 29 girls in the Intermediate division. This was the calmest I've ever been at a competition. I don't know if I'm getting used to the pressure, or if being in the lower division made me less nervous. Either way it was nice to not feel like I was going to be sick before every event. The order of my events went Little Murph, Snatch/row, Deadlift/handstand, then Clean and Jerk/burpee.
1st Workout - Event C - Murphn
(this was a 2 part workout with 2 separate scores)
Part 1:
15 minute time cap
Run 1000m
5 ring rows
10 hand release pushups
15 air squats
Part 2:
Run 1000m
I pulled the very first heat at 7am. We were there in plenty of time, but by the time I got our tent set up, everybody situated and figured out where I was supposed to be I had very little time to warm up. We were running from the venue to their gym where we would do the ring rows, pushups and squats, then the second run was back to the venue. 3, 2, 1, go...everyone took off in a dead sprint. I let them go ahead of me and I stayed at a pace I was comfortable with. Sure enough I passed most of them before we got to the gym. Breathing was good coming in. Having just done Cindy a week or so ago I knew the pace I wanted to try and keep. My pushups died out quickly, but other than that I felt like I kept a good pace. I got 340 reps which is 11 rounds and some change putting me in 3rd place.
When the 15 minutes was up everybody took off out the door. Once again people were trying to sprint. I had gotten a little winded trying to go all out at the end of last part. I started out a little slower until I caught my breath, then I picked up the pace and passed all but 1 girl. Here is where I had a bit of a brain lapse. At the end of the run I knew I couldn't catch up to the girl in front of me and there was no one remotely close behind me. I thought, I'm good with coming in 2nd, so I just jogged on in to the finish line. It wasn't until I saw the next group of girls lining up that it dawned on me that there was more than one heat and my time mattered. It was really early and everyone knows I'm not a morning person. :) Luckily it didn't hurt me too bad. I came in 5th on the run.
2nd Workout - Event A - Snatch/Row
8min AMRAP
2 snatch attemtps
row 150m
Score is total weight lifted divided by body weight.
I had originally planned on going with 95#. I was going to put on 15# plates and 2 sets of 5# plates so that I could pull a set of 5s off and bump down if I needed to. When I saw the setup I realized that wasn't an option. They only had one of each plate. I ended up going with 90#, using 15#, 5# and 2.5# so that if I failed I could pull the 2.5s off easily. I think this was a good decision. The snatches ended up getting pretty heavy towards the end, and it gave me a little peace of mind knowing I had the option to bump down. The rows went really well. I held a 2 min pace and never got winded. My quads were dying, but I think that was due to the lack of stretching before the first event. My judge told me I got 7 rounds, but when they posted the scores they said I only got 6. This put me in 11th place. I'm going to email them and ask them to double check for me. It's not going to change my placing, but I'm just curious what my actual score was. I really enjoyed this workout.
UPDATE: They did have my score wrong. I got 7 rounds which put me in 4th place for this workout. :)
3rd Workout - Event D - Deadlift/Handstand
12min AMRAP
run 160m downhill
8 handstand holds
run 80m uphill
8 deadlifts @ 1.25xbodyweight
This was pure torture. When they originally posted the workouts we were only supposed to be doing bodyweight deadlifts, but when we checked in they informed us it was 1.25x which bumped me from 150# to 187.5#. Ugh. By this point it was pouring. First run and handstands were fine. The uphill was straight up with big step ups. Awful! The deadlift bars were the big fat bars, so there was no gnarling on them. Just a slick, wet, fat bar. It was nearly impossible to get a grip on it. I was pretty much false gripping it with the bar sitting on my wrist. That made my form go out the window. My back was trashed by about the 4th pull. I hobbled through the rest of the workout and somehow managed to get 3 rounds. I came in 10th place. I was just happy this one was over.
4th Workout - Event B - Clean&Jerk/burpee
this got changed to
4min AMRAP
Clean and Jerk
Score is total weight lifted divided by body weight
This was the workout I was most worried about. Grayson had massaged MaxFreeze into my back and it was feeling a little better, but it wasn't great. About 30 minutes before we were supposed to go they announced that they were changing the workout. Taking out the burpees was a blessing for me, but I had to completely rethink my game plan. My "Grace" time is in the 3 minute range. 4 minutes isn't much longer plus this is the my 4th workout, so I decided to treat it like Grace. I loaded up 95# and went with it. I got the first 10 unbroken. I strung together a few more, but I quickly went to singles. I could definitely tell this was my 4th workout. I ended up getting 31 reps which I thought was decent. This got me a 2nd place finish for this workout.
Despite the rain I had a good time. Minus my brain fart in the first event and me falling apart in the 3rd event I was pleased with my performance.
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