Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 7, 2012, Saturday

A. Snatch balance - build to a heavy single
B. Hang Power Snatch. Hang Squat Snatch. Squat Snatch   1.1.1x3; rest 2min
C. Bulgarian Split Squats @ 30X0; 3x8/leg; rest 45 sec/leg
D1. Ring Dips @ 30X0; 5x3; rest 90 sec
D2. Strict Chinups @ 22X0; 5x3; rest 90 sec

A. I felt good warming up. I was a little sore, but not too bad. I did some warm up lifts and knew this was not going to be a good day. I failed on 85# 3 times. It felt so heavy! I couldn't even get the bar locked out over my head. I just stopped there.
B. I wasn't sure what weight I was supposed to use here. I used 75# last week, so I went with that. Last week the 75# felt great, but this week it felt twice as heavy. I was able to get the 3 sets with it, but they weren't pretty.
C. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to use weights on this or not. I used a 15# dumbbell in each hand. These were a little rough, but not too bad.
D1. Ring dips went well.
D2. I tried doing CTB strict pull-ups, but I can't get my chest all the way to the bar. I can get within an inch or so. I can get it if I do a little kip at the very top.  Chris thought it might have to do with my shoulder mobility. I did chin ups with a 10# dumbbell.  The pace was set at 22X0, but I think going as fast as I can my pull is longer than 2 sec.

1 comment:

  1. Weights felt heavy overhead today b/c you did a ton of wall ball and push press and sdlhp yesterday!.
    I want you trying to add weight on Ring Dips on these days.
    Shoulder flexibility will definitely limit your ctb abilities. Also, rhomboid strength in which we will be working on that. the X for explode up is relative, as long as your pulling as fast as you can that's all I need. It doesn't actually have to be fast.
