Saturday, November 24, 2012

121123 Friday

1) Every 15sec for 5min Deadlift @ 80%
2) Bench Press
1x8 @70%, 1x5 @80%, 1x3 @ 90%, 1x3@95%, 1x3@ 100%
(percentages based on 121117)
3 rounds
1min burpee over box 20"
1min CTB pullups
1min KB G2O 35#
rest 1min
5min alternating BB TGU 35#

1) 220#  These got difficult, but stayed solid
2) 95#x8, 105#x5, 115x3, 125x3, 130x3
I only got to 120# on 121117 due to still being weak from surgery. I knew I could do more than that, so bumped up this time. Got all these without help.
Round 1: 12, 8, 17
Round 2: 12, 8, 13
Round 3, 10, 8, 13
Burpees box jumps were awful. I just have no speed with these. I had a lot of trouble stringing my C2Bs together. I dropped off and did singles almost the whole time. G2O got heavy quicker than I thought they would. Snatched them.
These went pretty well. My left hand is much less stable than my right. Rx was 55#, but I've never done these before, so I stayed at 35# to get comfortable with the movement.

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