BB Gymnastics
1) Every 45sec for 5min:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch @ 70%
2) Every 45sec for 5 min:
1 Power clean + 1 Hang Clean @ 70%
1a) 4x3 3stop snatch pulls; rest 45sec
1b) 4x5 Hang clean high pulls (heavy) rest 45sec
1c) 4x5 split press
15 power cleans 95#
50 DU
15 burpees
50 DU
12 power cleans
50 DU
12 burpees
50 DU
9 power cleans
50 DU
9 burpees
1) 85# Had some balance issues, but went well
2) 115# This felt a lot heavier than it should have.
1a) 135# Felt solid
1b) 110# This was a very awkward movement coming from the hang.
1c) 75# The 5th rep was tough every set
First set of 15 cleans UB, set of 12 4/4/4, set of 9 3/3/3
burpees were way too slow
Tripped up more than I'd like on the DU. Forearms were smoked

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
121127 Tuesday
BB Conditioning
1) 5X1 3 Position Snatch @ 75% (low to high) – rest 60 seconds2) 5X1 3 Position Clean + 1 Push Jerk @ 75% (low to high) – rest 60 seconds
1) Back Squat: Every 30 seconds for 4:00 minutes – 1 rep @ 85% (9 total reps)-Rest exactly 2 minutes.-Every minute on the minute for 4:00 minutes – 1 rep @ 90% (5 total reps)2) 5X3 Front Squats (3 count pause on 1st rep) – heaviest possible, rest 60-90 seconds.
2 min ME Row for Calories
-rest 1 minute
4 min AMRAP of:
15 Pushups (hand release)
10 T2B
-rest 1 minute
4 min AMRAP of:
15 Jumping Squats 45#
10 Pullups
-rest 1 minute
2 min ME Row for Calories
1) 85# I somehow tweeked my shoulder. I had to be very careful on these. The high hang was difficult to stick.
2) 135# First 2 positions were good. High hang was tough, but it made me really drop down quickly into my squat.
1) 85% - 160# Pretty solid. 90% - 170# Not as bad as I thought it was going to be.
2) 135# I did this same set at 135# a week or so ago, and I failed on the 3rd rep of sets 4&5. I was able to get all reps successfully this time. Baby steps...
33 Cal
3+15 pushups
2+15 squats
29 Cal
The cold made it very difficult to grip the bar. I broke up T2B and pullups more than I wanted to. Quads were smoked!
Monday, November 26, 2012
121126 Monday
1) Squat Snatch 10x1 @80% rest 30-60sec
2) Clean and Jerk 10x1 @80% rest 30-60sec
Run 800m
5 CTB pullups
9 Hang Squat Clean Thruster
run 400m
7 Hng Sq Cl Th
run 200m
5 Hng Sq Cl Th
1) 95# No fails. Could not get my butt down quick enough.
2) 135# These felt pretty good.
Most of the pullups were singles. These were subbed for bar muscle ups. I was pulling as high as I could. Most pulls hit below my rib cage.
Thrusters were broken up 3/3/3, 3/2/2, 3/1/1 I shouldn't have done singles on the last set. I had a bad pull and had to drop the bar.
2) Clean and Jerk 10x1 @80% rest 30-60sec
Run 800m
5 CTB pullups
9 Hang Squat Clean Thruster
run 400m
7 Hng Sq Cl Th
run 200m
5 Hng Sq Cl Th
1) 95# No fails. Could not get my butt down quick enough.
2) 135# These felt pretty good.
Most of the pullups were singles. These were subbed for bar muscle ups. I was pulling as high as I could. Most pulls hit below my rib cage.
Thrusters were broken up 3/3/3, 3/2/2, 3/1/1 I shouldn't have done singles on the last set. I had a bad pull and had to drop the bar.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
121124 Saturday
1) 20min find 1RM Snatch
2) 20min find 1RM Clean and Jerk
2min AMRAP Front Squat 80%
rest 2min
10min AMRAP
30 DU
15 power snatch 55#
rest 2min
2min AMRAP Front Squat 80%
1) 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 110#
I pulled 115 about 20 times and just couldn't stick it. Very disappointed
2) 65, 95, 115, 125, 135, 145, 150, 155#
Took me forever to get 155# Again, very disappointing. I worked so hard to get my numbers up and 1 week off has knocked me back down to numbers I was doing months ago.
Fr Sq130# - 6 reps from ground These were SO hard.
5 + 1snatch
Got all sets of DU except 1 UB. First set of snatches were UB. Broke into sets of 5 for remaining rounds.
Fr Sq - 6 reps from rack
2) 20min find 1RM Clean and Jerk
2min AMRAP Front Squat 80%
rest 2min
10min AMRAP
30 DU
15 power snatch 55#
rest 2min
2min AMRAP Front Squat 80%
1) 65, 75, 85, 95, 105, 110#
I pulled 115 about 20 times and just couldn't stick it. Very disappointed
2) 65, 95, 115, 125, 135, 145, 150, 155#
Took me forever to get 155# Again, very disappointing. I worked so hard to get my numbers up and 1 week off has knocked me back down to numbers I was doing months ago.
Fr Sq130# - 6 reps from ground These were SO hard.
5 + 1snatch
Got all sets of DU except 1 UB. First set of snatches were UB. Broke into sets of 5 for remaining rounds.
Fr Sq - 6 reps from rack
121123 Friday
1) Every 15sec for 5min Deadlift @ 80%
2) Bench Press
1x8 @70%, 1x5 @80%, 1x3 @ 90%, 1x3@95%, 1x3@ 100%
(percentages based on 121117)
3 rounds
1min burpee over box 20"
1min CTB pullups
1min KB G2O 35#
rest 1min
5min alternating BB TGU 35#
1) 220# These got difficult, but stayed solid
2) 95#x8, 105#x5, 115x3, 125x3, 130x3
I only got to 120# on 121117 due to still being weak from surgery. I knew I could do more than that, so bumped up this time. Got all these without help.
Round 1: 12, 8, 17
Round 2: 12, 8, 13
Round 3, 10, 8, 13
Burpees box jumps were awful. I just have no speed with these. I had a lot of trouble stringing my C2Bs together. I dropped off and did singles almost the whole time. G2O got heavy quicker than I thought they would. Snatched them.
These went pretty well. My left hand is much less stable than my right. Rx was 55#, but I've never done these before, so I stayed at 35# to get comfortable with the movement.
2) Bench Press
1x8 @70%, 1x5 @80%, 1x3 @ 90%, 1x3@95%, 1x3@ 100%
(percentages based on 121117)
3 rounds
1min burpee over box 20"
1min CTB pullups
1min KB G2O 35#
rest 1min
5min alternating BB TGU 35#
1) 220# These got difficult, but stayed solid
2) 95#x8, 105#x5, 115x3, 125x3, 130x3
I only got to 120# on 121117 due to still being weak from surgery. I knew I could do more than that, so bumped up this time. Got all these without help.
Round 1: 12, 8, 17
Round 2: 12, 8, 13
Round 3, 10, 8, 13
Burpees box jumps were awful. I just have no speed with these. I had a lot of trouble stringing my C2Bs together. I dropped off and did singles almost the whole time. G2O got heavy quicker than I thought they would. Snatched them.
These went pretty well. My left hand is much less stable than my right. Rx was 55#, but I've never done these before, so I stayed at 35# to get comfortable with the movement.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
121121 Wednesday
1) Every 30sec for 5min Power Snatch @80%
2) Every 30sec for 5min Power Clean @80%
1a) 4x3 3-stop Snatch Pull
1b) 4x5 Pendlay row
1c) 4x5 Split Press
1) 105# Some of these were ugly, but I didn't have any fails.
2) 135# These felt pretty solid.
1a) 105, 125, 135, 135# Went fine
1b) 105# I thought I had 85# on the bar. I realized on the second set that it was 105 and figured if I did it on the first set I might as well stick with it. It was heavy, but I got it.
1c) 70# These were tougher than they should of been.
2) Every 30sec for 5min Power Clean @80%
1a) 4x3 3-stop Snatch Pull
1b) 4x5 Pendlay row
1c) 4x5 Split Press
1) 105# Some of these were ugly, but I didn't have any fails.
2) 135# These felt pretty solid.
1a) 105, 125, 135, 135# Went fine
1b) 105# I thought I had 85# on the bar. I realized on the second set that it was 105 and figured if I did it on the first set I might as well stick with it. It was heavy, but I got it.
1c) 70# These were tougher than they should of been.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
121120 Tuesday
1) Back Squat EMOMx5; 2reps @85%
2) 7x2 1 1/4 Front Squat heaviest possible; rest 60sec
row 200m
9 muscle up (sub 9CTB pull-up/9 ring dips)
9 power snatch 95#
row 200m
7 MU (CTB/ring dip)
7 snatch
row 200m
5 MU (CTB/ring dip)
5 snatch
row 200m
1) 160# These felt solid.
2) 5x135# 2x130# On the 5th set i got 1 1/4 on the first rep, but only got 1 on the 2nd rep. Bumped down to 130 on the next 2 sets.
Rows were fine. CTB pullups and ring dips went ok. Snatches got super heavy, really quick.
2) 7x2 1 1/4 Front Squat heaviest possible; rest 60sec
row 200m
9 muscle up (sub 9CTB pull-up/9 ring dips)
9 power snatch 95#
row 200m
7 MU (CTB/ring dip)
7 snatch
row 200m
5 MU (CTB/ring dip)
5 snatch
row 200m
1) 160# These felt solid.
2) 5x135# 2x130# On the 5th set i got 1 1/4 on the first rep, but only got 1 on the 2nd rep. Bumped down to 130 on the next 2 sets.
Rows were fine. CTB pullups and ring dips went ok. Snatches got super heavy, really quick.
Monday, November 19, 2012
121119 Monday
1) Squat Snatch 3x1@85%, 2x1@90%, 2x1@95%, 2x1@90%, 3x1@85%
2) Squat Clean and Jerk 3x1@80%, 2x1@85%, 2x1@90%, 2x1@85%, 3x1@80%
25 pullups
10 wall ball 14#
20 PU
15 WB
15 PU
1) 3x95#, 2x100#, 105# 1 squat snatch, 1 power snatch and 2 fails, 2x100#, 3x95# w/1 fail
Despite the fails the pulls felt pretty good. My balance was just off.
2) 3x115#, 2x120#, 2x125#, 2x120#, 3X115# These were not pretty
There was more to this workout, but I didn't finish it all. I am so sore and have zero energy. Very frustrating.
2) Squat Clean and Jerk 3x1@80%, 2x1@85%, 2x1@90%, 2x1@85%, 3x1@80%
25 pullups
10 wall ball 14#
20 PU
15 WB
15 PU
1) 3x95#, 2x100#, 105# 1 squat snatch, 1 power snatch and 2 fails, 2x100#, 3x95# w/1 fail
Despite the fails the pulls felt pretty good. My balance was just off.
2) 3x115#, 2x120#, 2x125#, 2x120#, 3X115# These were not pretty
There was more to this workout, but I didn't finish it all. I am so sore and have zero energy. Very frustrating.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
121118 Sunday
10min to find 3RM Hang Sq Snatch
10min to find 3RM TnG Cl&J
10min to fing 3RM Front Squat
50-40-30-20-10 KB 35#
10-20-30-40-50 DU
Hang Sq Snatch 55, 65, 75, 85, 90, 95# I was ok with this. Arms were sore.
Cl&J 95, 115, 135, 130# All these felt heavy. Not being able to split jerk threw me off a little
Front Squat 85, 105, 125, 135, 145# These were ugly, but I got it.
My grip was gone so fast.
KB 50, 20/10/10, 15/15, 10, 10, 10
DU 8/2, 13/7, 30, 40, 50
10min to find 3RM TnG Cl&J
10min to fing 3RM Front Squat
50-40-30-20-10 KB 35#
10-20-30-40-50 DU
Hang Sq Snatch 55, 65, 75, 85, 90, 95# I was ok with this. Arms were sore.
Cl&J 95, 115, 135, 130# All these felt heavy. Not being able to split jerk threw me off a little
Front Squat 85, 105, 125, 135, 145# These were ugly, but I got it.
My grip was gone so fast.
KB 50, 20/10/10, 15/15, 10, 10, 10
DU 8/2, 13/7, 30, 40, 50
121117 Saturday
1. Every 15sec for 5min Deadlift @75%
2. 7x2 bench press heaviest possible
3 rounds
7 muscle up (sub 7 CTB Pullups/7 ring dips)
14 thrusters 75#
21 GHD
1. 205# These felt pretty good
2. 120# for all sets. I was a little disappointed in this weight. I tried to do more, but just couldn't get it. This is way under my 1RM
I am still not feeling back to myself. I was dragging all through this. The 75# thrusters felt like 105.
2. 7x2 bench press heaviest possible
3 rounds
7 muscle up (sub 7 CTB Pullups/7 ring dips)
14 thrusters 75#
21 GHD
1. 205# These felt pretty good
2. 120# for all sets. I was a little disappointed in this weight. I tried to do more, but just couldn't get it. This is way under my 1RM
I am still not feeling back to myself. I was dragging all through this. The 75# thrusters felt like 105.
Friday, November 16, 2012
121115 Thursday
BB Gymnastics
A. 7x1 Hang Power Snatch. Power Snatch; rest 45sec (heavy but not maximal)
B. 7x1 Hang Power Clean. Power Clean; rest 45 sec (heavy but not maximal)
A1. 3x5 Jumping Good Mornings
A2. 3x5 Pendlay rows
A3. 3x5 Seated strict press
7x200m row sprints; rest 2:1
A. 90# These felt really solid. Was happy with these.
B. 135# These got heavy fast. I didn't fail any reps, but there were some close calls.
A1. 65# These were very awkward.
A2. 75# Probably should have gone heavier
A3. 70# I need to work on my strict press. These got heavy very quickly.
Rows - The first 4 sets I finished :41-:42 sec, but I got a splitting headache. I slowed down on the last 3. I think they were around :45-:48 sec
A. 7x1 Hang Power Snatch. Power Snatch; rest 45sec (heavy but not maximal)
B. 7x1 Hang Power Clean. Power Clean; rest 45 sec (heavy but not maximal)
A1. 3x5 Jumping Good Mornings
A2. 3x5 Pendlay rows
A3. 3x5 Seated strict press
7x200m row sprints; rest 2:1
A. 90# These felt really solid. Was happy with these.
B. 135# These got heavy fast. I didn't fail any reps, but there were some close calls.
A1. 65# These were very awkward.
A2. 75# Probably should have gone heavier
A3. 70# I need to work on my strict press. These got heavy very quickly.
Rows - The first 4 sets I finished :41-:42 sec, but I got a splitting headache. I slowed down on the last 3. I think they were around :45-:48 sec
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
121113 Tuesday
1) Back Squat: EMOM for 5 min - 2 reps @80%
2) 5x3 Front Squats - near heaviest possible; rest 90 sec (pause for 5 count on first rep of each set)
90 sec AMRAP DU
row 1000m
100 DU
row 500m
I know its only my 3rd day back in the gym, but I'm sick of feeling weak and feeling like crap. :(
1) 150# These felt pretty solid.
2) 135# This was tough. Failed on my third rep on the 4th and 5th set. Got pretty dizzy on these.
106 DU
10:50 (total time)
I think I tripped 2 or 3 times on the first set of DU. I was pretty happy with these. The rows felt awful. I tried to keep a good pace, but it just wasn't happening. Quads were smoked. I tripped up way to much on the DU. Second row I was crawling.
1) Back Squat: EMOM for 5 min - 2 reps @80%
2) 5x3 Front Squats - near heaviest possible; rest 90 sec (pause for 5 count on first rep of each set)
90 sec AMRAP DU
row 1000m
100 DU
row 500m
I know its only my 3rd day back in the gym, but I'm sick of feeling weak and feeling like crap. :(
1) 150# These felt pretty solid.
2) 135# This was tough. Failed on my third rep on the 4th and 5th set. Got pretty dizzy on these.
106 DU
10:50 (total time)
I think I tripped 2 or 3 times on the first set of DU. I was pretty happy with these. The rows felt awful. I tried to keep a good pace, but it just wasn't happening. Quads were smoked. I tripped up way to much on the DU. Second row I was crawling.
Monday, November 12, 2012
121112 Monday
20 min find 1RM Snatch
20 min find 1RM Clean and Jerk
I only did this to get realistic numbers to work with this afternoon. I'm still not feeling 100% and can't lift my normal numbers.
Snatch - 65, 85, 95, 100, 105#
Had 1 fail at 105, then got it. Tried for 110, but couldn't get it.
Cl & J - 65, 85, 105, 125, 135, 145#
Tried for 150, but failed.
A. Snatch
2x1@85%, 2x1@90%, 2x1@95%, 2x1@90%, 4x1@80%
B. Cl&J
2x1@75%, 2x1@80%, 2x1@85%, 2x1@90%, 2x1@85%, 4x1@75%
3 rounds
5 box jump overs
w/ lateral box jumps between each
25 kb 53#
5 box jump over w/ lateral jumps
25 pullups
rest 1:1
A. 90, 95, 100, 95, 85#
Had 1 fail at 100#. None of these felt very good.
B. 110, 115, 125, 130, 125, 115#
These felt so heavy, but I got them all.
Round 1 - 5:25,
I jumped on the box, then over on this round. I was scared to jump over. Got kb unbroken. Did PU in 10/5/5/1s. My grip was shot and I felt like I was about to rip.
Round 2 - 6:09
Jumped over box this round. KB 15/10. PU 5/5/5/4/3/1s
Round 3 - 6:55
Jumped over box. KB 15/10. PU not sure
I kept feeling dizzy, so I took a lot of breaks. My times were super slow, but I've got to ease back into it.
20 min find 1RM Snatch
20 min find 1RM Clean and Jerk
I only did this to get realistic numbers to work with this afternoon. I'm still not feeling 100% and can't lift my normal numbers.
Snatch - 65, 85, 95, 100, 105#
Had 1 fail at 105, then got it. Tried for 110, but couldn't get it.
Cl & J - 65, 85, 105, 125, 135, 145#
Tried for 150, but failed.
A. Snatch
2x1@85%, 2x1@90%, 2x1@95%, 2x1@90%, 4x1@80%
B. Cl&J
2x1@75%, 2x1@80%, 2x1@85%, 2x1@90%, 2x1@85%, 4x1@75%
3 rounds
5 box jump overs
w/ lateral box jumps between each
25 kb 53#
5 box jump over w/ lateral jumps
25 pullups
rest 1:1
A. 90, 95, 100, 95, 85#
Had 1 fail at 100#. None of these felt very good.
B. 110, 115, 125, 130, 125, 115#
These felt so heavy, but I got them all.
Round 1 - 5:25,
I jumped on the box, then over on this round. I was scared to jump over. Got kb unbroken. Did PU in 10/5/5/1s. My grip was shot and I felt like I was about to rip.
Round 2 - 6:09
Jumped over box this round. KB 15/10. PU 5/5/5/4/3/1s
Round 3 - 6:55
Jumped over box. KB 15/10. PU not sure
I kept feeling dizzy, so I took a lot of breaks. My times were super slow, but I've got to ease back into it.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Nov 10, 2012, Saturday
A. Back Squat 5x3
105, 115, 125, 135, 145#
B. Press 5 sets
55# x5, 65# x5, 75x5, 85x3, 90# x1
First day back in the the gym after my wisdom teeth. I couldn't push very hard. Still on a lot of medication, but wanted to move around some. Everything felt fine, but felt MUCH heavier than it should have. I attempted 95# on the press and couldn't get it. This is 15# under my PR. I'm not going to let it worry me though. I haven't been able to eat much, and being on bed rest for a week will through anybody off.
105, 115, 125, 135, 145#
B. Press 5 sets
55# x5, 65# x5, 75x5, 85x3, 90# x1
First day back in the the gym after my wisdom teeth. I couldn't push very hard. Still on a lot of medication, but wanted to move around some. Everything felt fine, but felt MUCH heavier than it should have. I attempted 95# on the press and couldn't get it. This is 15# under my PR. I'm not going to let it worry me though. I haven't been able to eat much, and being on bed rest for a week will through anybody off.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Nov 2- Nov. 9, 2012
Nov 2-4 - out of town for MS State football
Nov 5-9 - recovering from wisdom teeth removal
Nov 5-9 - recovering from wisdom teeth removal
Friday, November 2, 2012
Nov. 1, 2012, Thursday
Front Squat - build to heavy single
18min AMRAP
100 DU buy-in
3 snatch 75#
12 box jump
6 push press
(every 3min do 10 burpees)
3x65#, 3x85, 3x105, 2x125, 2x135, 2x145, 2x155, 1x160, 1x165#
10# PR!!!! Woo!
10 rounds +1 snatch
Got DU in 49/51. Stayed steady on the rounds. Beat the best class time by 3 rounds.
18min AMRAP
100 DU buy-in
3 snatch 75#
12 box jump
6 push press
(every 3min do 10 burpees)
3x65#, 3x85, 3x105, 2x125, 2x135, 2x145, 2x155, 1x160, 1x165#
10# PR!!!! Woo!
10 rounds +1 snatch
Got DU in 49/51. Stayed steady on the rounds. Beat the best class time by 3 rounds.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Oct 31, 2012, Wednesday
Push Press
400m run
3 rounds
15 cleans 95#
15 ring dips
400m run
95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145#
Went for 150, but it just wasn't there.
Time: 10:40
Runs could have been faster. First set of cleans unbroken. First set of ring dips I kept with sets of 3s. 2nd and 3rd set of cleans I did sets of 5s. 2nd set of ring dips I did in 2s and third set I did singles. I've got to work on my kips for ring dips. I have had no energy or motivation this week. :(
Push Press
400m run
3 rounds
15 cleans 95#
15 ring dips
400m run
95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145#
Went for 150, but it just wasn't there.
Time: 10:40
Runs could have been faster. First set of cleans unbroken. First set of ring dips I kept with sets of 3s. 2nd and 3rd set of cleans I did sets of 5s. 2nd set of ring dips I did in 2s and third set I did singles. I've got to work on my kips for ring dips. I have had no energy or motivation this week. :(
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