Saturday, January 28, 2012

January 28 - Garage Games Crossroads Competition

Today was Day 1 of the Garage Games Crossroads Competition at Mississippi Crossfit. There were only 11 girls signed up for RX. I had hoped there would be more. I woke up feeling good and well rested, and  I showed up to the competition somewhat optimistic. That quickly changed...

10 min AMRAP
250m row
15 hand release pushups

5 Rounds + 7 pushups
Place: dead last (11th)
When I first finished the workout I felt ok about it. Minus a few mishaps getting on and off the rower I thought I had done well. Mike had told me to pace my rows to around 2:00. I kept every round between 1:55 - 2:05. My pushups were a little slow, but I didn't take any long breaks. My last round was rough. Where I was working out I couldn't see any of the competition minus the girl to my right.  After leaving the floor I started hearing everyone else's scores and my heart sunk. Dead last...not a good way to start the day.

95# cleans
bar facing burpees

Place: 6th
Despite my rough start I was feeling hopeful about this workout. I have done several workout with cleans lately and they have been going very well. I went in with the plan of getting 8-7-6, 6-5-4, 3-3-3 on the cleans and keeping a decent pace on the burpees. My first set of cleans felt good, but I could tell I was taxed from the first workout. I got the 8-7-6. The set of 21 burpees was awful. Every time I jumped over the bar it felt like it was getting higher and higher. My pace was very slow. When I finally got back to the cleans I went to singles. I know this slowed me down some, but I was getting to the bar fairly quickly after dropping it. Burpees were awful again. Set of 9 I did singles, and the final 9 burpees were ridiculously slow. I was very disappointed with my performance. I just don't have the gas tank that I need for this type workout.

WOD 3 and 4
3 min to find 1RM bench press
run 1 mile
3 min to find 1RM deadlift

Bench - 140# (PR)
mile - 7:35
Deadlift - 255#
Place: WOD 3 - 2nd
WOD 4 - 4th
WOD 3 consisted of the bench press and deadlift and WOD 4 was the mile run. I have been working some on bench press lately. I got a 1RM of 135# one day when I was messing around. As tired as my arms were I didn't think I'd get that. I was shooting for 125#. For some reason I was on and somehow pushed up 140#. Hooray! When it came to the run I wasn't planning on going all out. I didn't want to come into the deadlift panting and not able to breath. I figured I had a better shot at beating the other girls at deadlift than the run. When they said go everyone took off in a dead sprint. I surprisingly hung back and started at a pace I knew I was comfortable with. Sure enough, everyone died, I passed them all and came into the deadlifts first. My back had been acting up, so I wasn't planning on going all out on the deadlifts. I was shooting for 235. Knowing its only 1 rep makes a huge difference. I started with 205, scared to start pulling at 225.  I got 205 easily, then bumped to 225, then 245, then 255. I attempted 265 which is my PR, but decided against it.

After a very disappointing WOD 1 and 2, doing well on WOD 3 and 4 boosted my spirits. That is short lived knowing that I'm facing 10 rope climbs tomorrow and there is a very good chance I'll get a DNF. I'm hoping that whatever got into me on the bench press and deadlifts will show up again when its time to climb that stupid rope. Stay tuned...

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