Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20, 2012, Friday

A. Squat Clean& Split Jerk 1.1x5; rest 4 min
B. Power Clean and Jerk  2 EMOMx10
C. Dead lift @51X1 ; 3x3; rest 3min
D. Gobelt Squats @ 20X1 - 75 reps w/53#


A. 125, 130, 135, 135, 140#
After the week starting off bad, today made me feel better. These felt pretty good. I had a few fails, but I felt like it was bad technique and not the weight. I fail felt like a bad pull. Another one I landed with my feet too wide and couldn't get out of the bottom of the squat. I almost stayed with 135# for the last set, but decided to go up. I got 140 without a fail. I was pumped.

B. 110#  These got a little sloppy at the end due to fatigue, but other than that they felt ok.
C. 175, 180, 185#
The pull up didn't hurt today, but the 5 sec down was rough on my back.
D. Did this is 10 sets of 7 plus 5. That is a lot of goblet squats...

And....a little handstand walking!

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