A1. Ring Dips w/ 10# @20X1; 3x8; rest 10 sec
A2. Strict pullups w/5# @ 20X1; 3x6; rest 3 min
B1. DB seated press @20X1; 3x6; rest 10sec
B2. Ring rows w/ feet elevated 3x16; rest 3min
C1. Kip HSPU 3x22; rest 10sec
C2. Kipping pullups 3x18; rest 4min
A1. 6/1/1, 5/1/1/1, 4/1/1/1/1 My arms have been sore all week. I was able to complete them all but it was tough. A lot tougher than last week. I failed twice on the last set.
A2. 3/1/1/1, 3/1/1/1, 3/1/1/1 These were ok
B1. 35# kb/arm I could barely get 6 reps. These were tough!
B2. 8/4/4, 8/8, 8/8 These have been difficult. I'm having to use my hips to get all the way up.
C1. 21/1, 21/1, 20/2 First set I failed on 22 and fell off the wall. Second set I locked out 22, but didn't stay on the wall, so I didn't count it. Third set I failed on 19, but stayed on the wall and finished 19 and 20. Had to come off the wall to get the last 2.
C2. 18, 18, 14+4 Wanted to get the last set unbroken, but my arms protested.
Awesome job on C1 & C2. Great #'s.