March of Dimes Throwdown
UPDATE - 2nd Place Finish - Rx Women
WOD 1 - Games Open WOD
7 min AMRAP burpees
Reps - 107
3 rounds
15 ring pushups
10 stone cleans 73#
Time: 7:31
1000m row
10 shoulder to overhead - 105#
20 over the box jumps
30 kb swings 53#
40 DU
30 yard walking lunges w/25# plate overhead
Time: 11:51
Notes: This was a fun competition. I felt like the workouts were well rounded and challenging, and I was pretty please with how I performed.
WOD 1 - I did this workout on Thursday and got 98. I felt confident that I could get over 100. I'm glad I did the workout beforehand, but I think my arms suffered because of it. They were very sore. I pushed a little harder at the beginning of the workout, but made sure to maintain a nice, steady pace. I only stopped to rest twice and it was just for a second. I was very happy with my score of 107.
WOD 2 - I thought my arms were sore that morning, but after another 100+ burpees my arms were destroyed. I went into WOD 2 relatively calm. I knocked out the first 15 pushups unbroken. The stone cleans felt good. The weight wasn't bad. It was just difficult to get a good grip on the stone. I felt like I moved through these pretty quickly. Round 2 and 3 of the pushups were awful. My poor arms just did not want to push my body up, but I pushed through and finished. Round 2 of the cleans was a little more difficult. I think I was scared I was going to use too much of my arms and not have anything left for the third round of pushups. I think I failed twice, but it was only due to not getting a good grip on the stone. I flew through Round 3 of the cleans. I was just ready to be done! As sore as my arms were and having never done a workout with stones I was happy with how I did.
WOD 3 - I really liked this workout. The row felt good. I kept my pace between 2:05-2:10 the whole time. The shoulder to overhead felt like 150 instead of 105, but I was able to split jerk them and get these unbroken. Once I got over the fear of the 24" box these went pretty smoothly. The KB sucked. I had to break these into 10, 5, 5, 5, 5. The DU went well. I broke them into 20, 20. The lunges weren't difficult, but I could not keep that plate over my head. I was neck and neck with a girl at the very end. I wanted so badly to catch her, but my arms were just gone and she was able to finish out the lunges before me. I was disappointed that I let her beat me, but I still felt good about how I did.
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