Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 27, 2012

A. Squat Snatch @ 50% 1RM- 3 x 5 reps TnG (65#)
B. Squat Clean  & Push Jerk @ 60% 1RM- 3 x 5 reps TnG  (85#)
C. Thruster- 2 reps EMOM for 8 min @ 85#
D1. Ring Dips @ 32X2; 3 x 3; 2 min rest
D2. Pull Ups @ 21X1; 3 x 3; 2 min rest 
Notes: The competition took a lot more out of me than I thought. I was very stiff and everything felt heavy. I was able to complete everything, but for such light weights it was not easy. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

February 25, 2012

March of Dimes Throwdown
UPDATE - 2nd Place Finish - Rx Women

WOD 1 - Games Open WOD
7 min AMRAP burpees

Reps - 107

3 rounds
15 ring pushups
10 stone cleans 73#

Time: 7:31

1000m row
10 shoulder to overhead - 105#
20 over the box jumps
30 kb swings 53#
40 DU
30 yard walking lunges w/25# plate overhead

Time: 11:51

Notes: This was a fun competition. I felt like the workouts were well rounded and challenging, and I was pretty please with how I performed.
WOD 1 - I did this workout on Thursday and got 98. I felt confident that I could get over 100. I'm glad I did the workout beforehand, but I think my arms suffered because of it. They were very sore. I pushed a little harder at the beginning of the workout, but made sure to maintain a nice, steady pace. I only stopped to rest twice and it was just for a second. I was very happy with my score of 107.
WOD 2 - I thought my arms were sore that morning, but after another 100+ burpees my arms were destroyed. I went into WOD 2 relatively calm. I knocked out the first 15 pushups unbroken. The stone cleans felt good. The weight wasn't bad. It was just difficult to get a good grip on the stone. I felt like I moved through these pretty quickly. Round 2 and 3 of the pushups were awful. My poor arms just did not want to push my body up, but I pushed through and finished. Round 2 of the cleans was a little more difficult. I think I was scared I was going to use too much of my arms and not have anything left for the third round of pushups. I think I failed twice, but it was only due to not getting a good grip on the stone. I flew through Round 3 of the  cleans. I was just ready to be done! As sore as my arms were and having never done a workout with stones I was happy with how I did.
WOD 3 - I really liked this workout. The row felt good. I kept my pace between 2:05-2:10 the whole time. The shoulder to overhead felt like 150 instead of 105, but I was able to split jerk them and get these unbroken. Once I got over the fear of the 24" box these went pretty smoothly. The KB sucked. I had to break these into 10, 5, 5, 5, 5. The DU went well. I broke them into 20, 20. The lunges weren't difficult, but I could not keep that plate over my head. I was neck and neck with a girl at the very end. I wanted so badly to catch her, but my arms were just gone and she was able to finish out the lunges before me. I was disappointed that I let her beat me, but I still felt good about how I did.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 23, 2012

Open WOD #1

7 min AMRAP
burpees w/6"jump

Notes: 98
I did much better than I though I would. Mike suggested I start stepping up instead of jumping from the beginning. This really seemed to help with my hips and with my pacing.  I'm happy with my score and hope to break 100 on Saturday!

February 22, 2012

7 min @ high/consistant/aerobic effort
5 min walk/recover

8 Russian KB 53#
16 box jumps 20" step down

10 OHS
row 300m

10 wall balls
15 back ext
10 situps

Notes: This was not a good day...
HSPU/KB/Box jumps - 4+6
HSPU and kb felt ok, but made my back very tight. Box jumps were slow.

OHS/row - 3
These felt awful. OHS were slow and clumsy. I kept getting on my toes. The row was slow and painful.

wall ball/sit ups
I couldn't finish my first round of back extensions. That movement seems to destroy my back. I continued the rest of the time with the wall  balls and sit ups, but I'm not sure how many I did.

I was not mentally there for this workout. I don't know if it was because I was tired or because I was distracted knowing that the Open WOD was being released. I have got to make myself warm up better. I think some of my pain is due to lack of warming up.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21, 2012

A. Back Squat @ 20x1; build to heavy single
B. Hang squat snatch; build to a heavy single
5 sets; rest 60sec
AMRAP ring dips
14 pullups

A. These felt good. I got 175#. I tried 180, but over thought it and dropped it.
B. These felt great. I got 100# which is a PR! Woo!
ring dips - 12, 8, 6, 6, 4
pullups - 14, 10/4, 8/3/3, 7/4/3, 4/4/3/1/1/1
These got difficult very quickly. My forearms got super tight and it was hard to hold onto the bar.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 19, 2012

A. Front Squat @ 65%; 2 reps x 8; rest 60 min
B. Power Clean/Split Jerk 1.2 x 3 heavy sets
C1. Strict Pullups 20x0; 3 x max reps
C2. Ring Dips 30x0; 3 x max reps; rest 3 min


run 400m x6; rest 4 min

A. 105# these felt good
B. 115, 125, 125#  The 125 was a little difficult, but other than that felt good
C1. 6, 5, 5
C2. 7, 7, 6
I ran on a different course where there was an incline going both directions. It made them MUCH more difficult.
1:41, 1:44, 1:42, 1:45, 1:50, 1:51

February 18, 2012

15 min AMRAP
15 power snatches 55#
30 DU

first attempt: 5+2
second attempt: 6

Notes: This was a repeat of the Week 1 Open WOD from last year. I didn't look back at my score, because I didn't want a number in my head. My arms were very sore. I'm not sure from what. Even though it was a light weight the snatches were painful starting in round one. I broke it up into 10-5, but had to break it to 5, 5, 5 for the rest of the rounds. On round 2 it took about 4 attempts before I could get my first double under. I pretty much gave up at that point. I finished the workout but didn't push myself. I wasn't out of breath at all at the end of the 10 minutes. I ended up getting 5 +2. When I looked back at last year I actually did better than my first attempt. My first attempt last year I got 4+36. My second attempt was 5+36. In the open the double unders were first. After about 20 minutes my arms were feeling a little better, so I decided to give it another go. This time I did the double unders, first. I broke the snatches up into 5, 5, 5 from the beginning and they felt much better. I got 6 rounds even. I was pretty happy with this, but I still think I could do better.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 16, 2012

Lactate Endurance
2 min max burpee pullups
rest 10 min
2 min (1 min max burpees/1 min max Cal airdyne)

burpee pullups - 21
I felt pretty good about these. I felt like I stayed consistent throughout.
burpee/cal airdyne - 24/15
The burpees were not great, but they weren't as miserable as they have been. Airdyne always sucks.

15 min amrap
7 kb 35#
7 lung/leg
7 ring pushups

16+1 rounds
I felt really good about this WOD. I felt like I stayed at a good, consistent pace the whole time. Its strange how the 35# kb doesn't hurt at all, but I bump up to the 53# kb and it feels like I'm being stabbed in the back.

February 15, 2012

5 min @ high/consistent/aerobic effort
3 min walking rest

7 Russian KB 53#
10 box jumps

5 wall balls
5 burpees

7 T2B
30 DU

5 KB snatch L, 26#
5 KB snatch R, 26#
10 walking lunges

HSPU/kb/box jump - 5+1
The HSPU were surprisingly easy. The KB started hurting my lower left back again, but stayed steady. The box jumps were a little slow, but not too bad.

wall ball/burpee - 6+2
This was just awful from the beginning. My back started killing me. Both movements seem to aggravate it, somehow. Very frustrating.

T2B/DU - 5
The T2B went well, but my double unders were off  which added to my frustration.

snatch/lunges - 5+5 lunges
My right arm is definitely better at the snatches than my left arm. Its been a while since I've done this movement so it took a round or 2 to get a rhythm going. Lunges felt ok.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14, 2012

A. Back Squat @ 20x1; 1.1 x 4; rest 5min
B. Squat Clean and Jerk - build to heavy 2
5 sets; rest 60 sec
HSPU amrap
12 pullups

A. 155, 160, 165, 170# These came pretty easily.
B. Got 120#. Tried for 125# but couldnt keep my balance to get into the squat.
HSPU - 15, 15, 12, 10, 10
The hspu felt good. I was happy with my numbers. I got all 5 rounds of the pullups unbroken. Woo! I know I still have a long way to go on those, but it was a small victory that made my night!

Monday, February 13, 2012

February 12, 2012

A. Front Squat @ 65%; 2 reps x 10; rest 60sec
B1. Snatch Dead Lift 135% @ 30x0; 3x3; rest 10sec
B2. Broad Jump 3x3; rest 3 min
C1. Press/Push Press 1.3 x 4 ; rest 10 sec
C2. Pullups - amrap x 4; rest 2 min
Run 400m x 6; rest 5 min

A. 95#  Front squats felt ok. Hips were tight as usual
B1. 135# These felt good
B2. I am not a jumper...
C1. 90, 90, 95, 95#  These felt really good.
C2. 17, 11, 12, 8   My grip is terrible. I know I could do so much better if I could just hold onto the bar.
1:32, 1:34, 1:32, 1,:33, 1:33, 1:35
These were rough. I felt like I was running with weights tied to my legs. The cold was tightening up my back. I felt good about keeping a consistent pace.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

February 11, 2012

10 rounds
4 burpees
6 kb 53#
8 wallball

Time: 10:54

I'm not happy with my time, but I'm ok with it. I cut 1:30 off the time from when I did it last week.
I was very stiff and sore, so I spent a lot of time stretching before hand. When I started the WOD I tried to pace myself. The burpees quickly became slower that I wanted. The kb went ok. My back didn't start hurting til round 9. I was able to get all the wall balls unbroken. I still think I can get a better time. Just gotta keep pushing.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 9, 2012

Power Clean 75#

rest 20 min

Row 300m
20 burpees
Row 300m

Went too hard out of the gate. Did 15 cleans unbroken. The burpees hurt. I had to break 12 into 4, 4, 4. The burpees were really slow. My upper thighs/hips got super tight. Had to break 9 up into 3, 3, 3. Burpees were slow again.

The 1st row felt awesome. I kept it at a 1:55 pace. The burpees felt awful, but I tried to keep a steady pace. The 2nd row was rough. My upper thighs/hips had tightened up again. I tried to keep a 2:00 pace, but it was more at a 2:05-2:10 pace.

February 8, 2012

Map Multi
4 min @ high/consistent/aerobic pace
3 min walk/recvoer

3 ring dips
30 DU

5 wall balls
7 box jump, 24" step down

7 russian kb 53#
9 squats

Row 150m (this was supposed to be run, but I misread it)
7 T2B

ring dips/DU - 5 + 2
My double under were off

wall ball/box jump - 4+5 box jumps
These felt ok. Box jumps felt super high

HSPU/kb/squat - 4+3hspu
 I don't know if its my hip or my back, but the KB caused awful pain in my lower left back.

row/T2B - 3
I misread the sheet and did rows instead of runs. I pushed hard on the rows. T2B felt ok.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7, 2012

A. Back Squat @ 20x1; 1. 1. 1 x 3, rest 4 mn
B. Squat Snatch - build to heavy double
5 min amrap
5 burpees
5 pullups

A. 145, 155, 165#
These felt pretty good. The last rep on 165 hurt.
B. I got 100# on double. It felt great. Clovis adjusted my stance and it helped a lot. I need to make sure my feet are lined up with my shoulders. 100# was my 1RM. It felt so good I decided to keep going. I got a 1RM PR of 105#. It felt really good. I tried 110#, but it was a no go.
7 rounds+3 pullups
AMRAP felt awful. I felt like I had no gas to go. The pullups got hard very quickly. I was disappointed wth my performance.

Monday, February 6, 2012

February 5, 2012

12min amrap
10 wall balls 14#
10 back extensions
20 DU

My back started hurting on round 1 of the back extensions. Every time I came up there was a stabbing pain in my lower back. By round 4 I couldn't take the pain anymore.  I finished out the rest of the time just doing the wall balls and double unders.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

February 4, 2012

A. Snatch Dead Lift @ 130%- 5 reps x 3; rest 3 min
B. Snatch Balance- build to heavy single in 10 min
C. Hang Squat Snatch @ 65#- 3 reps every minute on minute for 5 min
D1. HSPU @ 20X1- amrap strict x 4; rest 1 min
D2. Strict Pull Ups- amrap x 4; rest 1 min
A. 1st set my back was tight, 2nd and 3rd felt ok
B. These went really well. I got up to 120#. Dropping under it felt smooth. 
C. These felt really good. 
D1. 2, 2, 1, 3 - 1st three sets I was letting my head rest on the ab mat at the bottom. When I failed I couldn't push my head off the mat at all. The last set I just let my head touch the ab mat instead of resting on it.
D2. 5. 5. 3. 4 - These were tough. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

February 2, 2012

4 sets; rest 7 x work
5 power snatches TnG - 65#
7 burpees
7 KB 53#
25 sec AirDyne

1:19,1:13, 1:12, 1:12
Going fast with the light weight snatch made it hard to control. I really had to concentrate. I used a wider feet stance on my burpees which seemed to help, but its hard to tell with low reps. KB felt decent. AirDynes sucked as usual. I felt like I recovered well after each set.

10 rounds
4 burpees
6 KB 53#
8 wall balls

I really wanted to do this workout when I saw it posted. Mike said that it is going to be in my programming in the next week or so, but I wanted to have something to compare it to. It started out felling good, but quickly felt awful. My arms were shot from the weekend and the HSPU/pullup workout, so the wall balls went first. Then, the kb started hurting my hip/lower back. I felt ok with my time all things considered. I think I could get close to 10 min after some rest.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 1, 2012

MAP Multi
3 min@ high/consistent/aerobic effort
3 min walk

2 ring dips
row 150m

5 wall balls
5 toes 2 bar

10kb 35#
25 double unders

6 ring rows
8 pushups
12 squats

run 150m
10 box jumps

ring dips/row - 3 rounds + 1dip
These felt really good
wall balls/t2b - 5 rounds + 5 wall balls
these felt good, all unbroken, had to pause to regrip on t2b, but didn't let go
kb/DU - 3 rounds + 3 kb
double unders were off today, I could feel the fatigue in my arms during the kb
ring row/pushup/squats - 4 rounds + 3 pushups
I kept a good pace on these, but my arms were tired and the ring rows became difficult
run/boxjump - 2+75m
I died on this round, my inov8s were not good for the runs or box jumps, my legs felt like lead and I felt like i was running flat footed