Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11, 2012, Tuesday

 Power Clean and Jerk build to a heavy single

95# x3, 115x3, 125x3, 135x2, 145x1, 155#x1
These felt good til I got to 155. It was ugly.
My goal for the competition this weekend has changed. I am now just trying not to come in dead last. I'm very disappointed in this time. I was very dizzy coming off the GHD. Granted I woke up yesterday with an awful head cold and I'm pumped full of cold medicine. I got the first set of pull-ups unbroken. The second set I had to break up into 10-4-4. I really wanted that set unbroken. Surprisingly my abs played a big factor in my pull-ups. By the set of 15 my grip was gone. Broke that into 8-4-4. The last set of pull-ups was just a mess. I'm not sure what the reps were. I got all the GHD unbroken, but it was hard to know when to breathe.

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